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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa


Cultural Peer-Learning Goes Online

Carlo Tiedge

With CULPEER digital, you get the optimal preparation to integrate the cultural peer-to-peer approach on a digital level into your teaching environment. 

For 25 years, our project partner Büro für Kultur- und Medienprojekte gGmbH (KinderKulturKarawane) has been inviting artistic groups from the Global South, and together with our European partnership, we have been successfully employing the cultural peer-to-peer approach for many years to bring global and cultural learning and complex topics such as climate protection and poverty to a tangible, everyday level. Due to the Corona pandemic, initial efforts were made to continue the exchange even though the groups could not travel to Europe. In CULPEER digital, we have continued and further developed this approach. Our methods enable long-term, resource-saving, and cost-effective cultural exchange between peers on an equal footing. Furthermore, the cultural peer-learning approach has successfully been used to engage learners with social disabilities and enable them to participate and creatively express themselves. 
Last but not least, the exchanges have given the artistic groups from the Global South a platform in Europe, to express their beliefs, thoughts and solutions for positive change. 

The key outcomes include:

  1. A guideline
  2. An e-learning course with 7 modules to prepare you step by step for the cultural peer-to-peer exchange on a digital level
  3. 10 digital methods as concrete examples for implementation
  4. A video center with best practice interviews from all partner countries, a stop-motion video for each module of the e-learning course, a variety of videos on the digital methods, a collection of tutorials for dealing with mobile cameras, YouTube, etc., as well as a page with creative, cultural online games.

The project results and online platform are available in English, as well as all partner languages.

Our target groups are:

  1. Educators, trainers, staff of youth and community centers
  2. Adult and young learners
  3. Staff of NGOs, stakeholders, decision-makers, influencers

The partnership consists of:

  1. Institut equalita e.V.  (Cologne, Germany) - project coordinator

  2. Büro für Kultur- und Medienprojekte gGmbH (Hamburg, Germany)

  3. Edumotiva (Greece)

  4. Friendship Art Education Foundation (Poland)

  5. Foundation for Development of the Cultural Bpocs (Bulgaria)

  6. Humanitas (Slovenia)

  7. Pixel (Italy)

Visit our online platform for more infos:

We have successfully finished our two year project with our last TPM in Athens.
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