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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа

Event Details

2 Май

Use Your Voice: How to Engage with Local and EU Election Candidates - Webinar

Отдалечено събитие
Profile picture for user n00fj418.
Ruby Cooney
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

On Friday 7th June 2024 we will elect our local and European representatives for the next five years. This is an ideal time to start letting candidates know what is important to you, what concerns you have, and how you and your community can be better supported.

At 'Use Your Voice: How to Engage with Local and EU Election Candidates', we will explore how to connect and communicate with candidates for local and EU elections.

We will hear from Ronan Kennedy from the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, and Jemma Lee from Léargas.

We will launch the AONTAS Toolkit for Engaging with European and Local Election Candidates, and learn from each other’s experience in this area.

This event is organised in partnership with EPALE, the Electronic Platform for Adult Leaning in Europe.

It is open to all, but will be particularly useful for anyone involved in a representational or advocacy group.

You can register for the event by filling out this form

This event is part of AONTAS' 2024-2025 project ‘Building Stable Roots in a Sustainable Learning Ecosystem’ as part of the New European Agenda for Adult Learning, co-funded by the European Union.

Event Details
As planned
Тип организатор
Друго събитие
Hybrid event
Entrance fee
Целева група
Учени, студенти, изследователи в областта на андрагогиката
Мрежи и организации за учене за възрастни
Проекти и партньорства
Медийни специалисти
Такса за участие

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