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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа


Focus week: Experience democracy, shape participation!

Profile picture for user EPALE Deutschland.
EPALE Deutschland

Welcome to the focus week 'Experience democracy, shape participation.' This thematic focus week is a collaboration between Erasmus+ and EPALE Germany and takes place as part of the quarterly theme 'Experiencing Democracy: Education for Participation. Additionally, the focus week will be enriched with contributions from Poland and Slovenia."

During the thematic week from April 22nd to April 26th, 2024, we will focus on the topic of democracy and participation, and we are excited to offer you insights into the work of various Erasmus+ projects, as well as opportunities for discussions and exchanges.

This week is about actively experiencing and shaping democracy and participation. We will present you a selection of exciting Erasmus+ projects dedicated to this theme. From innovative educational approaches to practical initiatives, these projects demonstrate how adult education can contribute to strengthening democracy and promoting the participation of all citizens.

Join us, be inspired, and learn how the themes of democracy and participation are lived and implemented in adult education."


Preview of the thematic focus week:

22nd April 

"We-Europeans – Countering populism with active European citizenship!"
Sabine Roehrig-Mahhou 

"The Teaching Workshop" at Rottweil Adult Education Center
Lara Sauter

23rd April

"Where you can experience real participation"
Manfred Kasper 

24th April

"What Contribution Does Europass Make to Promote Equal Opportunities and Participation?"
Franziska Bopp

"Our Country Europe"  
Bistra Choleva-Laleva

25 th April

Strengthening european cohesion
Simone Kaufhold

Energy that connects
Malgorzata Dybala


A testbed for developing civic skills 
Malgorzata Dybala

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