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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа


ВКЛЮЧЕТЕ СЕ - Конференция на общността на EPALE 2023

Каква е ролята на обучението и образованието на възрастни в разпознаването и оценяването на многообразието?

Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

Възможностите за обучение трябва да отговарят на разнообразните нужди на различни групи учащи. Трябва да гарантираме, че никой няма да бъде изоставен и да насърчим повече хора да се възползват от възможностите за умения.

Каква е ролята на обучението и образованието на възрастни в разпознаването и оценяването на многообразието? Как да осигурим подкрепа на уязвимите групи учащи?

EPALE Community Conference - Agenda 12 October

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Във видеото по-горе можете да гледате пленарните сесии от първия ден на конференцията на общността EPALE 2023: ВКЛЮЧЕТЕ СЕ. Възможности за приобщаващи умения. Стриймингът е публичен, и не се изисква регистрация. Просто се включете!

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Profile picture for user SarahLavan.
Sarah Lavan
Вт., 10/19/2023 - 23:45

Excellent discussions. Comments on barriers really struck me. Positive discrimination to preserve culture and heritage is so important in education. Individuals need to bring their whole selves to fully participate. The idea of education as transformative and giving hope for the future is crucial. I think reframing ‘drop out’ as ‘dipping out’ can help us to see education for the most vulnerable through the lens of being an opportunity for people to dip back in. Also agree that Adult learning addressing issues in society is key. 

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 11:27

Thanks to all our community for participating in our conference!

It was wonderful as always.

See you soon on EPALE :)

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Petra Timper
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 11:25

Tamsin Rose, you are an excellent moderator! 😀🌸 Thank you for this wonderful and inspering conference!

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Profile picture for user Ērodeja Kirillova.
Ērodeja Kirillova
Служебна карта за най-добър участник.
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:59

Visas izglītošanās pamatā ir paša izglītojamā vēlme tikt izglītotam... Tas ir attiecināms uz visu vecumposmu izglītojamajiem - sākot no pirmsskolas un beidzot ar trešās paaudzes (jeb senioru) izglītošanos. Ja skolas vecumposmā veiksmīgam zināšanu ieguves procesam pamatā ir gan ārējā, gan iekšējā nepieciešmība iekļauties mācību procesā, tad jau pieaugušo un darbspējīgo apmācāmo vecumposmā nozīmīgi ir šo cilvēku vispārējā personīgā pieredze par mācīšanos kā nodarbi un iekšējā prasība mācīties.

Ir cilvēki, kuri gatavi apgūt ko jaunu nemitīgi- šie cilvēki arī darba tirgū veiksmīgi transformējas starp profesijām un ir tendēti uz izaugsmi vai mainību, ja to pieprasa apstākļi, vai rodas iekšēja nepieciešamība ko izmanīt savā dzīvē, darbā, prasmēs, karjerā utt. Mācīties ko jaunu viņiem ir tik pat normāli kā elpot un kustēties. 

Pēc pieredzes secinu, ka ir cilvēki, kuri gatavi apgūt jaunas zināšanas tieši darba jomā. Tas notiek ar lielāku vai mazāku optimismu, neapgūstot neko lieku, bet tikai tik daudz lai varētu paveikt uzticētos pienākumus.

Nākamā grupa ir cilvēki, kas uzskata, ka savas dzīves obligātajā apmācību periodā viņi ir apmācīti tik tālu, cik spējuši apgūt un neko jaunu viņu "vecumā" vairs nevar viņiem iemācīt...šie cilvēki visgrūtāk transformējas daraba tirgū un bieži iestrēgsts uz sociālajiem pabalstiem..

Bet nedrīkstam aizmirst par tiem cilvēkiem, kuri  dažadu sociālo apstākļu dēļ nevar iekļauties jebkādos mācību procesos, jo šajā grupā ir nepieciešams dot iespējas mācīties (subsidējot gan mācību procesu, gan mācību instrumentus un piekļūstamību mācību procesam ( gan digitāli, gan fiziski) un nepieciešams mentoringa atbalsts šiem cilvēiem lai stiprinātu viņu pārliecību par to, ka viņi ir spejīgi apgūt ko jaunu, to pielietot un tā mainīt savas iespējas augt gan profesionāli gan sociāli. Latvijā ir šāda pilot programma jauniešiem "Visas iespējas" (



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Maria Margarida Baptista
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:59

Considera que podem ficar atenuadas com formação de proximidade na área de residência, sobretudo em pessoas mais idosas? 

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Petra Timper
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:39

In Sweden yong men choose violent gangs, drugs and murder instead of education and a "normal" life. It´s like they don´t see a future, even though they live in a country with great opportuniteies, such as free education. Many of them have parents who left their homeland to give their children a better future, and still these young men, and even children choose violence. Why do you think they do that? What can we do for these young men to stop them from joining gangs?

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Sandra Federici
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:37

Does it really make sense to talk about equal opportunities when we can observe that they do not actually or that - in our fields - adult learners do not access education as they could?

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Katinka I. Käyhkö
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:29

Categorizing people is easy only from the "outside" - the closer you get, the more sensitivity and respect you need.

Could we move from the many predefined "target groups" and ready-made labels towards letting people actually define themselves?

Good examples from all the panelists!

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Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:42

In reply to by Katinka I. Käyhkö

The idea of moving away from pre-defined 'target groups' and ready-made labels to letting people define themselves is stimulating. It opens the door to greater understanding and respect. However, this approach assumes a high level of self-reflection in each of us. Not everyone has the ability or willingness to look within and define who they are without being influenced by societal norms or expectations. It is therefore important that we create an environment that encourages self-reflection and personal growth.

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:24
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:19

Good morning


The majority of companies are SMEs in Europe. These companies pay more and more taxes and do not have the budget to provide training to qualify their workers, who are becoming obsolete in terms of skills. As time goes by, these companies disappear and the employees become unemployed, often having more than 50 years. It is very difficult for them to return to the job market and fall into poverty. What solution is there? 

This is probably a target group that needs to be considered, with appropriate strategies.


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Flore Thoreau La Salle
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 10:06

There are many barriers to education out there and they impact labor market participation and job security. For example the places where you grow up, your family socioeconomic background...

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Flore Thoreau La Salle
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 09:59

Investing in skills can truly bridge gaps in the labor market or are there systemic inequalities that cannot be tackled - at least in the short term - by skills development?

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Вт., 10/12/2023 - 09:20

Good morning everyone!

We are about to start our third day at the EPALE Community Conference!

Share your experience commenting on the live-streaming or post using the hashtag #BloomWithEPALE!

If you are not an EPALE registered user yet, register following this link:

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