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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа



National Side Events - EPALE Community Conference 2022

Have a look at the National Side Events of the EPALE Community Conference 2022!

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National Side Events - EPALE Community Conference 2022

The 2022 edition of the EPALE Community Conference also includes a series of National Side Events organised by the National Support Services!

Find below the list of all the events.

Please note that the National Side Events have different format and access modes, so check the ones you are interested in for more information.


Austria national events

Austria national event - 18 October

NSS Austria National event 20 October


Belgium DE National Event

Belgium DE Event - 19 October


Belgium NL National EventBelgium NL National Event - 18 october


Bosnia National eventEPALE Bosnia - national side event


NSS Croatia Side eventNSS Croatia Side event


EPALE Finland National Side Events

NSS Finland National side event 1

NSS Finland National side event 2

NSS Finland National side event 4

NSS Finland National side event 3


Germany National eventEPALE Germany - national side event


NSS Hungary Side eventHungary - 20 October


NSS Italia side eventErasmus and Epale Lab monitoring meeting


Latvia National eventNSS Latvia Side event


Malta national eventNSS Malta side event


NSS Montenegro side eventNSS Montenegro Side event


Netherlands National eventsNetherlands National event 18 OctoberNetherlands National event 19 October


Poland National event

NSS Poland side event


Slovakia national eventNSS Slovakia side event


Slovenia national eventNSS Slovenia 18 October


NSS Spain side eventSpain event 18 october


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