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Event Details

20 Септ.

ADHD and Attention disorders: how to deal with them? Theoretical and practical experiences

Profile picture for user PROGETTO CRESCERE.

ADHD and attention disorders represents a new important work frontier for Progetto Crescere.
Nowadays, in fact, always more children are described as inattentive, hyperactive and uncontrollable.
Progetto Crescere’s team is happy to share its experience in the field with European colleagues.

Event Details
As planned
Тип на събитието
Събитие за професионално развитие
Тип организатор
Друго събитие
Organiser name
Данни за контакт
Брой делегати
< 100
Целева група
Учени, студенти, изследователи в областта на андрагогиката
Мрежи и организации за учене за възрастни
Проекти и партньорства
Цели и задачи
With this course we would like to offer specific and professional knowledge and skills about the identification, the handling and the possible treatment for children or adolescents with ADHD
Очаквани резултати от ученето
Knowledge and skills you will acquire:
- New knowledge about Italian school system and special needs handling
- State of art of psychiatric debates on ADHD diagnosis and treatment
- Possible interventions for these children: psychomotor and psychological treatment
- Instruments, games and app for ADHD treatment
Признаване / сертифициране на участието и/или резултатите от ученето
Certificate of attendance
Europass mobility tool
Такса за участие

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