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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа


АНГАЖИРАЙТЕ СЕ - Конференция на общността на EPALE 2023

Как можем да дадем възможност на хората да участват в граждански, културни, икономически и социални аспекти на живота?

Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

В момента сме свидетели на изригване на промени между възникващите предизвикателства и ускорената трансформация във всички аспекти на живота.

Как можем да дадем възможност на хората да участват в граждански, културни, икономически и социални аспекти на живота? Какви умения са необходими, за да участвате в демократичните процеси с осъзнатост и отговорност?

В контекста на Европейската година на уменията конференцията на общността EPALE през 2023 г. подчертава уменията като ключови за овластяването и приобщаването.

EPALE Community Conference - Agenda 11 October

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Във видеото по-горе можете да гледате пленарните сесии от първия ден на конференцията на общността EPALE 2023: АНГАЖИРАЙТЕ СЕ. Умения за демократичен живот. Стриймингът е публичен, и не се изисква регистрация. Просто се включете!

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Renāte Zīverte
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 12:19

Thank you for this insightful conference.  Interesting thought about the attention economy and Old Greek meaning for “school” – “free time”.  And that  through all this attention economy need to find free time off the attention economy to dedicate it to more important things, such as education.

But is attention economy used in education, how can it be used for education?  

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 10:48
Marion Fields
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 10:36

We have noticed recently that one of the 'cousins' of fact checking is the ability to enter dialogue. We tend to be more aggressive than before, which might lead to communities falling apart. Communities are where we learn our basic democratic skills. For example, committee work in an association is more demanding than before because the harsh language of social media enters our interpersonal communication.

We have been trying to address this in our E+ prject Dialogue in Adult Learning, where we have taken dialogue to everyday activities and communities. We are now training dialogue ambassadors to encourage better dialogue in associations, housing communities, parents' evenings, workplaces etc.

Many people in Europe don't have the opportunity to join a dialogue. It's only one factor that feeds into polarisation and the crisis of democracy. We need to keep the big picture in mind and at the same time we need a wide array of skills: dialogue, fact checking, cirtical thinking etc.

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Sandra Federici
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 10:36

The problem is those who don't look at qualified sources! The mirror for me is the chat of my middle school classmates, some of whom, without tools, post absurd news, videos of fake news as "those who do true information and not mainstream" . They are unshakably convinced that those who provide serious information are paid by Soros, Bill Gates and company to deceive the world... How do we get to these? Because they vote too...

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An intriguing observation, and sadly, an increasingly pressing issue. This isn't just a matter of misinformation; it's an overall erosion of trust in institutions and experts, which has far-reaching implications. It's important to recognize that these individuals are not 'stupid' or 'naive.' They are citizens trying to navigate a complex world of information and disinformation. The issue lies in how information is filtered and opinions are formed. We shouldn't condemn them but focus on education and awareness instead. Knowledge gaps are best filled with quality content and dialogue, not disdain or ignorance. And yes, they have the right to vote, which elevates the importance of them being accurately informed. Bridges need to be built between 'mainstream' information sources and those who distrust them, not just through traditional media but also through education and community engagement. Ultimately, it's an investment in our collective future..

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Profile picture for user n00asj44.
Tatjana Ponorac
Служебна карта за най-добър участник.
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 10:15

What are the challenges to advancing one's AI skills? 


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Ср., 10/11/2023 - 10:13

Good morning! Thank you for this interesting session. 


I have a huge question:

 If in the future we don't have jobs (due to automation and AI) and if education no longer serves to prepare us for the job market, what do you think will happen? How will we motivate students to continue learning just for life?


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Sandra Federici
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 10:12

Good morning and thank you for the inspiring speech!

What makes a space a learning environment?

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Gianluca Ravanelli
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 10:11

Which specific soft skills are most crucial for citizen education, and how should we implement their training in formal and informal education curricula?

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Flore Thoreau La Salle
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 09:57

What is the responsibility of educators facing the contemporary growing issues such as the social economic and social inequality?

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ср., 10/11/2023 - 09:26

Good morning everyone! We are glad to welcome you to the second day of the 2023 EPALE Community Conference.

The streaming will start in a few minutes.

If you are not an EPALE registered user yet, register following this link:

As a registered user, you'll be able to write your comments here, and fully interact with our speakers and with the rest of the EPALE community!

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Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

Устойчивост и учене за възрастни: преминаване отвъд зелените умения?

Присъединете се към нас, докато размишляваме върху зелените умения като начин за справяне със сложни взаимосвързани въпроси като изменението на климата и екологичните предизвикателства.

Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

Основни умения в Пакта за умения

Проучете интегрирането на основните умения в инициативата "Пакт за умения"!

Profile picture for user n00aytwg.
Margarita Petrova

Финансова грамотност по време на криза

Присъединете се към нашите експерти и се потопете в света на финансовите политики и тяхното въздействие върху обществото.
