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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu



Gender equality and education in Europe: issues, obstacles and opportunities

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susana MAJOR


Egalité Femme Homme


[Translation : EPALE France]


“In all its activities, the Union shall aim to eliminate inequalities, and to promote equality, between men and women.”

Article 8 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union


Although gender equality is a fundamental right set out in the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, many inequalities still exist. The EU's gender equality index is 67.4 out of 100, and progress is very slow. There is a significant difference in the areas of employment, pay, the division of family tasks, power and pensions. Only in the field of education has the gap narrowed.

Faced with a severe shortage of skills and labour on the job market, and in a context of digital, demographic and ecological transition, increasing the participation of women is necessary if we are to develop an innovative, competitive and prosperous European economy[1]. The European Commission has included gender equality in all its European policies and funding instruments, including Erasmus+ and the European Lifelong Learning programme. There are more women than men graduating from Europe's universities, but women are still under-represented in better-paid jobs. More women than men work in low-paid jobs and sectors, and in menial positions. The European Education Area, to which Erasmus+ belongs, therefore has a role to play in combating these inequalities.

The team at EPALE France, the Erasmus+ platform for those involved in training and education in Europe, has therefore made this issue one of its priorities. It is holding a webconference on 21 September 2023 to shed light on the issues, obstacles and opportunities in training towards developing a “Union of Equality”. Personal accounts will highlight innovative European projects on training for women in the digital sector and in entrepreneurship.  This event is designed for all those involved in the education sector and will be held in French.

[1] A Union of Equality: Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.  

To register or receive the link to the replay: click here


10.30am - 10.50am Gender equality in France and Europe 

  • European Commission representative: education in the European gender equality strategy 2020-2025
  • Haude Rivoal, sociologist in Labour & Employment | Innovation | Workplace Equality & CSR, France Compétences - Gender equality in the world of work and the link with training

10.50am - 11.20am Women and the digital age

  • Claudine Schmuck, Managing Director of Global Connect: observations and opportunities on the presence of women in the tech industry  
  • Virginie Rosa-Arsène, Gender/Diversity Officer, Hauts de Garonne Developpement: Erasmus + project “Becoming a Woman Coder”: opportunities for “vulnerable” women to retrain in coding professions  
  • Solène Moutier, Education Project Manager, EIT Raw Materials: “Girls Go Circular” European project to raise awareness of digital careers among girls aged 14 to 19

11.20am - 11.50am Entrepreneurship for women

  • Benjamin Roger, Head of the National Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) Observatory, SSE France: women and entrepreneurship in the SSE 
  • Hélène Larrouturou, Managing Director, MEWEM France: female mentoring to encourage women to enter the music business
  • Serge Fourloubey, Head of Business Competitiveness, Dordogne Chamber of Agriculture: training women to become entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector with Erasmus+

11.50am - 12pm What opportunities does Erasmus+ offer for gender equality?



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