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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


Zero waste guide

Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Project Erasmus+ VET - Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training 

No: 2021-2-PL01-KA210-VET-000050696
Living sustainably: Avoiding Overconsumption through Zero Waste in the Kitchen.

This project, “Living sustainably: Avoiding Overconsumption through Zero Waste in the Kitchen”, and its results help VET schools and students in catering and cooking and restaurant owners to have environmentally responsible behaviour:
- to raise awareness and provide professional skills on zero waste lifestyle while teaching students to use the sustainable approach in cooking;
- to create an international community of zero-waste lifestyle supporters. A sustainable future can only be reached by educating youth and providing the correct information. Our project aims at educating and training young/adult people who are learning to become cooks, will spread the new zero waste vision in their workplaces in the future and people working in the food and catering field. Their knowledge of how to work with zero-waste principles will help to reduce waste in the restaurant business. 

More information:

zero-waste project guide
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