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Strength of support. Art therapy in practice.

Teresa Miłoszewska

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapeutic and developmental support based on creative activities. Through the means of art, i.e. painting, dancing and movement, experiencing sounds and music - one works on the current and important issues for the workshop's participants. It develops personality and deepens self-awareness.

It is also a method of therapy that favours the support of the sick. Art therapy helps you find the motivation to live and work on your own potential and strengths. It may be offered to individuals or groups through the means of workshops, developmental and therapeutic groups.

We often use art therapy techniques in our daily work. Art therapy can be applied to work with both children and adults, it applies to people who have psychological and social problems that result from various and difficult situations. These situations are e.g. chronic disease, both somatic and mental, disability, social maladjustment, social isolation, poverty.



Photo by russn_fckr on Unsplash

Art therapy is the first step to integration. Sometimes it’s also the only way to communicate and reach out to other people. Early therapeutic intervention is necessary for anyone that demonstrates mental disorder.
Art therapists, unlike artists, put more emphasis on the process of personality discovery and development than on the final product. Taking into account our experience and information collected from the staff of the centres which support people with disabilities, we know how important it is to implement new methods and forms of work along with permanent staff development.

In this guide, we present proven and often used art techniques. We hope they will inspire you while planning and then implementing interesting workshops. 


We invite you to read: "Art Therapy in Practice"


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