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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa


Afaf Tourki: The trigger for a new adventure

I have had to learn to juggle my time, overcome my fears and believe in my potential.

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EPALE Editor

Short biography

I am a civil servant turned company director. For a long time, I led a very orderly professional life as a dedicated civil servant. But when my children left home, it created an unexpected void that prompted me to take a long, hard look at myself. I was at a crossroads, torn between the security of my status and the irresistible call of entrepreneurship. 

My Story of Empowerment

The trigger for a new adventure

The departure of my children left a huge void in my everyday life. I felt a deep need to reinvent myself, to give new meaning to my professional life. It was at this precise moment that the idea of entrepreneurship emerged. I was attracted by the idea of creating something of my own, leaving my mark on the world and taking on new challenges.

My transition from salaried employee to entrepreneur has not been without its challenges. I have had to learn to juggle my time, develop new management and marketing skills and, above all, overcome my fears and believe in my potential. The security offered by my status as a civil servant was tempting, but the passion for my entrepreneurial project was stronger.

Fortunately, I didn't have to tackle this adventure alone. I was able to count on the unwavering support of my family and friends, who believed in my dream right from the start. Their encouragement gave me the strength to persevere when things got tough. I was also lucky to find an experienced mentor to guide and advise me along the way. Her invaluable advice and expertise helped me to avoid many pitfalls and optimise my chances of success.

Launching my own business has been the most rewarding experience of my life. I have developed skills I didn’t even know I had, I have gained self-confidence and discovered a hidden passion for the world of business. But above all, I have found a new sense of purpose in my professional life, a sense of achievement and fulfilment that is priceless. Every day is a new adventure, an opportunity to learn and grow. As well as the personal fulfilment that my company has brought me, it has also had a positive impact on the world of education and vocational training. I had the honour of contributing to the UNESCO-UNEVOC programme on “Managing change through transformative TVET leadership” in December 2023 .My involvement in this programme took the form of an individual project on the subject of “Aurora Virtual reality for all in TVET”. 

My work was awarded “Distinction”, a recognition that fills me with pride. This award is more than just a personal achievement for me; it is confirmation of the positive impact that my company can have on the vocational education and training sector.

A European commitment to the Pact for Skills This commitment was demonstrated by my participation in the first Pact for Skills event, held in Brussels on 21 and 22 March 2024. This event was a unique opportunity to meet key players in the world of vocational education and training, share experiences and discover best practice in skills development. My involvement in the Pact for Skills fits with my desire to make an active contribution to creating a more inclusive and competitive Europe. I am convinced that skills development is an essential element in meeting the major challenges facing our society.

My company has had a positive impact on my personal life enabling me to develop and fulfil my professional aspirations.

The local economy: contributing to economic growth.

The world of vocational education and training: sharing my knowledge and experience and contributing to innovation in education. Adult learning is a personal and societal investment that can have a positive impact on all aspects of life. It enables individuals to take their future into their own hands and contribute to a fairer, more inclusive society.

Afaf Tourki
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