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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa


Sexual Education with Art and Digital for People with Mental Disabilities, and all interested!

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U Thrive Europe

The following text is a corrected version of the original:

"This teachers' handbook was designed and piloted as part of the Erasmus+ project SaHaSo - Safe and Happy in Society.

The handbook is intended to be a bespoke training program for people with intellectual disabilities, covering topics such as relationships, emotional life, and sexuality. However, it can also be used to train any social group that requires structured and easy-to-understand information on these topics as a means of preventing health challenges and potential abuse.

The program aims to provide a safe environment in which users can comfortably discuss their emotions and sexuality, ask questions, gain knowledge, and share their thoughts on sensitive topics. Additionally, the program can be used to support professionals in this challenging field. It offers a step-by-step model for trainers and participants to move through essential topics in comprehensive and accessible training on relationships and sexuality. It also teaches how to answer difficult questions, develop and use creativity, and incorporate art in solving these problems.

For parents and professionals teaching children, young people, and people from vulnerable social groups about relationships, emotional life, and sexuality, this handbook will be helpful in doing concrete work. It can be used repeatedly whenever needed and is a direct investment in preserving the physical and emotional health of these children and young people.

Also available in French, Dutch and Bulgarian. In case of interest, please contact us at

SaHaSo - Safe and Happy in Society is a Small Partnerships, Erasmus+ project, implemented from March 2022 until March 2024. Ref. Nr. 2021-2-BE04-KA210-YOU-000048222

Resource Details
Autorul resursei
Stank Momcheva, with Ivanka Bogdanova, Maya Karakostova, Rossitsa Ivanova, Tatiana Levceva, Sophie Vankrikinge and Jonathan Landa,
Tipul de resursă
Resurse educaționale deschise
Data publicării
Limba documentului
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