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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie



Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente is a Romanian NGO that works in the area of Lifelong Learning since 2005. CPIP is committed to mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities for all citizens in the public policies and associated practices, as an integral part of democratization and the creation of an open society, in order to re-define the status and improve entrepreneurship and youth opportunities. We support initiatives and run programs and projects that aim at cooperating and innovating for good practices in this field. CPIP's main objective is to promote the lifelong learning through all relevant stakeholders. This is done by taking part at diverse European initiatives and then mainstreaming in the regional activities the developed products and results. We have so far worked in the area of:

-promotion of entrepreneurship in youth and special needs groups

-social entrepreneurship

-in social responsibility as part of two national networks.

-in regional development by working in health and safety for agricultural sector and in training rural developers.

-in SME development through collaboration with SME supporting bodies and by developing tools for integration of mobility workers.

Activities: Training, counselling, facilitating and integrating on the labor market disadvantaged persons , persons from rural and remote areas, Counselling as a part of adult educator's work ;The role of Civil Society in promoting human rights and fighting discrimination; Gender sensitive education; Gender mainstreaming.

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