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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa



PBL training for managers to face the foundry 4.0 challenges. INNORESOLVE

Profile picture for user MARTA PALACIO.
Marta Palacio

The INNORESOLVE project (2017-ES01-KA202-037932), funded by the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme, aims to contribute to increase high quality learning opportunities for owners and managerial staff of foundry companies by improving their digital skills and innovative practices in order make them ready to face the challenges of the Foundry 4.0. The project started in September 2017 and finished in August 2019 in a coordinated way among Spain, Portugal, Romania and Italy.

The main project results have been:

A) INNORESOLVE PBL collaborative e-learning training: a training program based on problem solving methodology. Such training provides required skills and promptly enable management in Foundry industry to cope with the increasingly demanding industrial environment. Módules of the E-Learning trainning: 

  1. Industry 4.0 Foundry 4.0 in the factory of the future.
  2. Management skills and leadership stile in the digital era. Importance of people in the digital era.
  3. ICT’s for decision making in Industry 4.0.
  4. KETs (Key Enabling Technologies) for Foundry 4.0.
  5. New digital manufacturing technologies and methodologies. Advanced digital technologies / methodologies and combination of these in foundry.
  6. Risk management. Cybersecurity.

B) INNORESOLVE Support Guide: a guide about the new challenges of Foundry in partners countries and a collection of good practices and case studies of Foundries 4.0.

This Guide intends to deepen relevant aspects of Industry 4.0 through case studies and National analysis, thus complementing and completing the training itinerary for top and middle managers about digitalization in the foundry sector. The Guide contains the following main contents:

  1. Industry 4.0: Introductions, national and European trends, Main challenges, European and national resources for industry 4.0 implementation.
  2. Competences 4.0 in the Foundry Industry: Competences needed and existing competences.
  3. Case studies and global conclusions.

Both the Learning Programme and the Guide are available in all partnership languages (ES, PT, IT and RO) plus English. We invite you to register on the platform and be able to analyze all the content developed by the consortium and take advantage of both the training and the guide of trends and competences of the foundry 4.0. To do this, you can access the platform by clicking on the following link:



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