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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Tixtieq tikkollabora ma’ oħrajn minn madwar l-Ewropa iżda għad m’għandekx idea preċiża?

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek

Żid l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fit-Tiftixa ta’ Sħab ta’ EPALE sabiex tkabbar il-profil tiegħek u tgħarraf lill-oħrajn li qed tipprova tidħol f’kooperazzjoni pan-Ewropea.

Parir utli: Żid kemm tiflaħ informazzjoni dwar l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek u t-tip ta’ attivitajiet li int involut(a) fihom sabiex tgħin lill-oħrajn isibuk.

Parti minn organizzazzjoni?

Billi tirreġistra l-organizzazzjoni tiegħek fuq EPALE, int se tkun tista' tagħmel aħbar ta' tfittxija għal sħab.

Sib l-aħħar informazzjoni dwar kif l-UE tippromwovi l-politika tat-tagħlim għall-adulti

Applied Filters

National Public Federation NOICE (Network Of Intersectional Civil Equality) is a dynamic and influential organization focused on education, public awareness, social work, and the provision of social housing. As a non-profit, publicly governed democratic federation in Sweden, N...
Profile picture for user n007wa0w.
Per Emil Renstrom
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Suicide Prevention and Suicide loss survivors support
Maiellen Stensmark
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
SwIdeas is a Swedish enterprise with a social mission that focuses on environmental and social sustainability.
Profile picture for user nabswide.
Abdallah Sobeih
Folkuniversitetet is an adult educational association that offers a wide range of adult education all over Sweden
Katarina Péntek Fransson
The Funka Foundation is a not-for-profit research and training organisation with a mission to empower persons with disabilities. Its main activity is to carry out research projects and training on issues related to accessibility and inclusion.
Sara Kjellstrand
Hjo folkhögskola is an independent folk high school and adult education provider in Sweden. It is one of  Sweden's largest boarding folk high schools and is located in the south western part of Sweden in the town Hjo by lake Vättern. We offer a a variety of courses and are loo...
Lisette Johansson