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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

Event Details

25 Apr

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Workshop

Italy,  Rome
Profile picture for user n00f949h.
Alejandro Espinosa
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Beyond traditional career growth, this workshop empowers participants to master entrepreneurship and small business management, transcending professional boundaries to enrich personal aspirations.

Whether launching a business, advancing in your current career, or exploring new horizons, this transformative seven-day program serves as a catalyst for robust personal and professional growth.

This workshop covers very relevant entrepreneurship topics such as:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset
  • Idea Generation and Validation
  • Business Planning and Strategy
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Business Operations and Scaling

Dive into a comprehensive curriculum covering every facet of small business success and turn your aspirations into flourishing realities!

Event Details
As planned
It-tip ta' organizzatur
Avveniment ieħor
Hybrid event
Organiser name
Training Academy, S.R.L.
Entrance fee
These workshops are targeting the personnel of accredited organizations in ERASMUS+ program, the participation fee varies depending on the country. Please contact our personnel to learn more about the participation fee.
Registration capacity
Grupp fil-mira
Akkademiċi, studenti, riċerkaturi fl-andragoġija
Netwerks u organizzazzjonijiet tat-Tagħlim tal-adulti
Miri u objettivi
•Entrepreneurial Mindset: Participants will cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and acquire the essential qualities needed to identify opportunities and make the leap into entrepreneurship. This sets them apart in a job market increasingly valuing creativity and innovation.

• Idea Generation and Validation: The workshop equips participants with techniques for generating and validating business ideas. They will learn to assess market demand, refining their ideas into viable, market-ready concepts. In an evolving job market, innovation and adaptability are paramount.

• Business Planning and Strategy: Participants will master the art of creating a comprehensive business plan, including developing mission and vision statements. They will understand how to chart a course for business success, a skill that's indispensable for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs alike.
• Financial Management: Financial literacy is key to any career or business endeavor. The workshop covers budgeting, cash flow management, and financial statements, enabling participants to make informed financial decisions in their businesses and careers.

• Marketing and Sales Expertise: Understanding marketing essentials and sales strategies is invaluable for both entrepreneurs and those in corporate roles. Participants will be well-versed in building a brand, identifying target customers, and crafting compelling sales pitches.

• Business Operations and Scaling: Learning how to set up and manage daily operations, handle inventory, and plan for business scalability equips participants to tackle real-world challenges and explore opportunities for growth in their careers and entrepreneurial pursuits.
Riżultati tat-tagħlim mistenni
Participants in the workshop will develop an entrepreneurial mindset, innovative business ideas, and comprehensive business plans. They'll gain financial literacy, marketing expertise, and operational proficiency. Advanced financial management skills and optimized business operations will be emphasized. The workshop will also cover sophisticated marketing strategies, sales excellence, and sustainable growth strategies. Participants will refine presentation skills and receive constructive feedback, leaving empowered and goal-oriented professionals.
Rikonoxximent / ċertifikazzjoni tal-parteċipazzjoni u/jew riżultati tat-tagħlim
Certificate provided by Training Academy, the educational training center situated in Rome and accredited by the Lazio Region.
Ħlas mitlub għall-attendenza

Ara li jkollok avveniment f’moħħok?

Toqgħodx lura milli tagħmel dan! Agħfas il-link t’hawn taħt u ssuġġerixxi avveniment issa!

L-aħħar diskussjonijiet

Profile picture for user tom.borg.
Tom Borg

EPALE 2021 Thematic Focuses. Let's start!

We invite you to enrich what is set to be an intense year ahead with your contributions and expertise! Let's start by taking parto in this online discussion. The online discussion will take place Tuesday 9 March 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CET. The written discussion will be introduced by a livestream with an introduction to the 2021 Thematic Focuses, and will be hosted by Gina Ebner and Aleksandra Kozyra of the EAEA on the behalf of the EPALE Editorial Board.

Profile picture for user Mahira.
Mahira Spiteri

Diskussjoni ta’ EPALE: Il-forniment ta’ tagħlim ta’ ħiliet bażiċi

Il-ħiliet bażiċi huma trasversali. Dawn mhumiex rilevanti biss għall-politika edukattiva, iżda huma rilevanti wkoll għall-politiki tal-impjiegi, tas-saħħa, soċjali u ambjentali. Il-bini ta’ miżuri ta’ politika koeżivi li jappoġġjaw lill-persuni bi ħtiġijiet bażiċi ta’ ħiliet huwa meħtieġ mhux biss biex il-Perkorsi ta’ Titjib tal-Ħiliet ikunu suċċess, iżda wkoll biex jgħinu fil-bini ta’ soċjetajiet aktar reżiljenti u inklużivi. Id-diskussjoni online se ssir f’din il-paġna fis-16/17 ta’ Settembru bejn l-10:00 u s-16:00 CET u se tkun immoderata mill-Koordinaturi Tematiċi ta’ EPALE tal-EBSN
