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Senior Volunteers for Migrant Integration - Training Material

Profile picture for user daivadaiva1959.

Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project Senior Volunteers for Migration Integration (SVMI) has developed Training material to prepare seniors who wish to serve as volunteers to support migrants in their integration process into a new host society. The training material consists of recommended content that is suggested to be used by trainers or any other educators involved in adult training.
Since each country has its own experience and history with migrants and their integration as well as adult education, each educational institution has its own target groups which, in turn, have their specific learning expectations and goals, and, in addition, each trainer brings his/her own experience and training methods, it is nearly impossible to provide training material that would be suitable for everyone.Therefore, the training material provided here can be used in many different ways: in its entirety as it is – the whole training program, or each module can be used separately, reduced or supplemented according to the specific country’s needs or the needs of institutions, trainers, and trainees.

The material is designed for trainers and adult educators wishing to train seniors to serve as volunteers in migration and refugee integration. It may be adapted by trainers and educators to the needs of their specific learners. The content and exercises are suggestions based on the SVMI project’s needs analysis.
Trainers are free to select the content most suitable for the training needs of the specific group.
After the training, seniors, using their life and professional experience, can volunteer in many areas of migrant integration, such as host country language training, education, health-care, translation, and legal services consulting, they may work as civics and literacy tutors, mediators and advocates, or facilitators in other areas – depending on their professional experience and expertise, as well as their aspirations.

Resource Details
Awtur tar-Riżorsi
Daiva Malinauskienė, Gileta Kierienė, Martin Kilgus, Panos Milios, Jukka Kallio
Ittajpja r-Riżorsa
Riżorsi Edukattivi Miftuħa
Data tal-Pubblikazzjoni
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