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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Merħba għall-kalendarju l-ġdid ta’ EPALE! Din l-għodda ġiet maħluqa u mnedija għalik. L-avvenimenti maġġuri tat-tagħlim għall-adulti sejrin jitpoġġew hawnhekk, kif ukoll l-opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ u l-konferenzi minn madwar l-Ewropa kollha li huma mmirati lejn il-professjonisti tat-tagħlim għall-adulti. Hekk kif EPALE tikber, se jiżdiedu iżjed avvenimenti mal-kalendarju.

Aħna ħerqanin li nisimgħu mingħandek ukoll. Fix-xhur li ġejjin inti se tkun tista’ żżid l-avvenimenti tiegħek, u tiġbed l-attenzjoni ta’ udjenzi minn madwar l-Ewropa kollha.

Kif tuża l-kalendarju

Inti tista’ tuża l-kalendarju biex tfittex avvenimenti speċifiċi, jew tfittex skont il-pajjiż, il-lingwa tal-avveniment, it-tema, id-data, il-grupp fil-mira u t-tip ta’ avveniment li tixtieq tipparteċipa fih. Ikklikkja fuq l-oġġett tal-kalendarju biex issib l-informazzjoni kollha relatata ma’ dak l-avveniment.

Bħal dejjem, nixtiequ nisimgħu l-fehmiet tiegħek. Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet jew suġġerimenti dwar il-kalendarju, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana permezz tal-helpdesk ta’ EPALE jew permezz ta’ Twitter @EPALE_EU.

Jekk jogħġbok kun af li: L-avvenimenti li jidhru fil-kalendarju huma dawk approvati mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea. Huwa rrakkomandat li tirriċerka iktar dwar l-adegwatezza ta’ kull avveniment għall-ħtiġijiet tiegħek. Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea ma tistax tinżamm responsabbli għat-tħassir ta’ kwalunkwe avveniment fil-kalendarju ta’ EPALE. Huwa rrakkomandat li l-utenti jikkontrollaw il-websajts tal-avvenimenti individwali regolarment sabiex jinformaw ruħhom dwar kwalunkwe bidla fl-avveniment.

Illimita r-riżultati tiegħek

20 May
Li jmiss

Innovations in Mentorship & Coaching Dynamics

Hungary,  Budapest

This course caters to individuals who are passionate about human development and understand interpersonal dynamics. Through an in-depth examination, it uncovers the mutually beneficial bond between mentorship and coaching. The content is specifically designed for those in various professions, such as trainers, psychologists, social workers, sociologists, and teachers. It dives deep into the complexities of guiding, supporting, and nurturing the growth of others.

This course is a game-changer for trainers, providing essential strategies for expanding learning beyond conventional approaches. It equips trainers with mentorship principles to elevate their training sessions, leading to more customized and meaningful learning experiences. For psychologists, the coaching aspects of this course are especially beneficial, as they add a proactive and solution-focused dimension to their therapeutic methods. Social workers, who constantly navigate the intersection of support and empowerment, will discover valuable tools to foster stronger and more resilient communities. Sociologists will find valuable insights in this course as it delves into the intricate dynamics of group interactions, leadership structures, and the profound societal influence of mentorship-coaching partnerships. Additionally, educators will discover practical strategies to foster a supportive classroom atmosphere, promoting both academic and personal development in their students.

During the course, attendees will actively participate in interactive sessions, analyze case studies, and complete hands-on exercises, all of which will contribute to a dynamic learning experience. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications, participants will leave with a well-equipped set of tools to elevate their professional skills and make a meaningful impact in their industries.

20 May
Li jmiss

STEM in the school

Belgium,  Brussels

This workshop is crafted to empower educators with cutting-edge insights, methodologies, and practical strategies to thrive in teaching STEM subjects.