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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа



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Organisation Erasmus accreditation

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Пронајди најнова информација за тоа како ЕУ ги промовира политиките во учењето на возрасните?

Applied Filters

INNSAMBLE is an innovative company that provides innovation.
Profile picture for user Antonio_Serrano.
Antonio Serrano
We are an organization of people with disabilities, which brings together people with disabilities, volunteers, families and experts.
Ivana Kučina
Blue Beehive is a private non-profit association focused on the development of educational, cultural and social projects, which favour the exchange of experiences, promoting empathy between countries in Europe. They also work on improving key educational competences in order t...
Profile picture for user Blue Beehive.
Maria Rosario Navarro
Bien Agir NGO is newly established in Greece. It aims to promote health, training, research, and sports, among others.
Bien Agir NGO
The vision of Anykščiai L. and S. Didžiuliai Public Library - a library that is relevant and accessible to every member of the Anykščiai region community - the active creator of the region's literary identity. Two main priorities of the Library's activities in 2024 are: ...
Ema Abramovaitė-Juškienė