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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma


RECULT a project about visual Education for cultural Identities of People with Migrant and Minority backgrounds

Profile picture for user n0071khf.
Peppino Franco

RECULT is an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Adult Education launched during COVID-19 times. 

The project's goal is to use the power of art, creativity and visual education to support the (re)integration of people with refugee, migrant, or cultural minority backgrounds into their local communities and to find new opportunities for reinforcing the resilience of the creative sector.

The project is building up a new generation of adult educators able to work with visual art in cultural and creative training. 

The project results are now available on the project platform including:

  1. INTERACTIVE PLATFORM for Digital Training for Visual Art Creation with full descriptions of teaching methods and techniques
  2. VIDEO MICRO LESSONS about examples of diverse recycling techniques with detailed step-by-step demonstrations
  3. CURRICULUM handbook describing the entire blended learning process

A series of multiplier events in the last few days in the partners' countries (Germany, Italy, Cyprus, Bulgaria) received a large participation from stakeholders and positive feedback.


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