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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma


Learning Content Curation and the Cur8 Learning Experience Platform

Profile picture for user jg_bridgestoeurope.
bridges to europe / die Berater (R)
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Cur8 Platform Screenshot.

The range of digital learning materials, Open Educational Resources (OER) and knowledge nuggets is constantly growing. Here’s a new podcast, here’s an interesting article, and here’s another interesting link that fits perfectly with the current course topic! This creates new challenges for learning and development professionals. The more content there is, the harder it is to find, filter and organise relevant online resources for your own learning offers. In addition, the increasing digitalisation of learning and teaching leads to an urgent need for educators with digital literacy skills and experience in implementing collaborative learning strategies and supporting self-organised learning.

With the results of the now completed Erasmus+ project Cur8, learning and development professionals can increase the impact of their work. Collaborate, curate and make an impact! is the tagline of the Cur8 Learning Experience Platform. The tools, resources and learning topics on the Cur8 Learning Experience Platform will enable educators to optimally support self-direct adult learners, curate and present useful learning content for CVET and tackle the challenges of digital learning environments. In the LXP you will find contributions on the main topics of curating learning content and using new technologies for training. Content is available in EnglishBulgarianSwedish and German. The Cur8 Toolbox, which is integrated into the LXP, focuses on useful tools for trainers. Find your new favourite tool, and get involved in shaping the Cur8 toolbox by rating tools or suggesting new tools.

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Oksana Soročina

14. jūnijā notika Erasmus+ centralizētā projekta #PartnerUp virtuālā studiju vizīte, ko rīkoja Valsts Izglītības attīstības aģentūra un Latvijas Pieaugušo izglītības apvienība.

Kā politikas veidotājiem un īstenotājiem iesaistīt reģionālos partnerus, izglītības sniedzējus un citas organizācijas, lai veidotu pieaugušo izglītības ilgtspējīgu atbalsta sistēmu?

Oksana Soročina

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Pievienojieties mums, domājot par zaļajām prasmēm kā veidu, kā risināt tādus sarežģītus savstarpēji saistītus jautājumus kā klimata pārmaiņas un vides problēmas.

Elīna Krasta
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Iekļaušana un daudzveidība visās izglītības jomās - projekta rezultāti

Erasmus+ projektā “Iekļaušana un dažādība visās izglītības jomās” (IN-DI) tapis rīku un labo prakšu kopums draudzīgas vides veicināšanai izglītības iestādēs.
