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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma


Testing of the training tools collected by the project entitled „Volunteering Management Expedition” (VolExpo) in Hungary

The tested tools are available here:

Janos Palotas

The testing activity took place online in April-May 2021, examining the usefulness of the following tools:

  • Tool 1: Be a hero, be a mentor
  • Tool 2: Octagon model
  • Tool 3: Strategies for effectively communication
  • Tool 4: Intercultural communication

The 27 respondents answered "What is your general opinion about participating in this activity and how has your volunteering experience benefited from these new methods applied?" question, including the following assessments:

  • It was very fruitful to take part in this project. The methods can give a useful tool for my work with the volunteers.
  • It helps me to understand better the main role of the mentor and the volunteer in the project work. That is why participation was useful for me. I will be able to improve the learning ability of volunteers mainly with the tools of 1 and 3.
  • During the training I learned the important principles and applicable methods of the effective operation of voluntary bodies. It drew my attention to the fact that properly chosen training in management is key.
  • I have learned that building a safe and trustable relationship between the volunteer and his/her mentor throughout the service is a key factor. I intend to apply the relevant models of tools 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • Working successfully in a long-term relationship together as a project is based on trust between the mentor and the volunteer. The trust is based on integrity. I would like to keep and develop this ability in my volunteer practice helped by the advices can be found in tools 1, 2.
  • Under the influence of good examples and a lot of evidence, I am able to accept and apply intercultural communication and awareness in my volunteering. I develop I try to avoid the misunderstanding that originated from the result of basic cultural differences by the tool 1 and 4.
  • I recognized that one of the vital roles in the learning process is to guide volunteers and help them use what they have learned. I have also learned how a mentor can guide volunteers through their learning process. I'm going to apply something similar in my activity with the help of Tool 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • I agree that in today’s learning process for volunteers, there are two main competencies: the 1st is mathematical skills, and the basic skills in science and technology. The 2nd is digital competencies.
  • It is already true that voluntary services are not free from conflicts, which often originate from rivalry. A lot of frustration can be avoided by starting conflict management at an early stage. I have got some tips for conflict management on the testing activity. Among them, I would like to apply the techniques that seem suitable for resolving certain conflicts. (see Tool 1, 3, and 4.)
  • It is known that one of the main activities of volunteers is counseling in situations where people working together. I learned five different approaches to counseling. I think I very often use the „Success counselor” model to improve personal responsibility in my activity with Tool 1 models.
  • I have learned, that for effective project work of volunteers, an action plan needs to be developed that includes the reasons, goals, and possible solutions. I'm going to use the GROW model for coaching volunteers based on Tool 1.
  • I realized that stress management is one of the most important tasks in a constructive and successful coowork between a mentor and volunteers. I'm going to apply the 3 main ways of dealing with stressful situations that arise according to the proposition of Tool 1.
  • I accepted that time management is not only an issue for volunteers' but can also become a challenge for better and more efficient use of service time. I would apply the tips I learned on how to be a better time manager. I'm going to continue that for 2-4 weeks and see if it helps. (see Tool 1.)
  • I accept that there are some dangers of mentoring and volunteering. I would like to apply some tips on what I have learned to avoid or reduce the dangers eg. what helps to build trust in relationships, keep up promises and tasks, tell opinion frankly, etc. during common volunteer work (Use relevant model of Tool 1, 3, and 4).

In the opinion of the Hungarian participants, the project has achieved its goal and provides volunteers with useful tools that can effectively help their daily work.

More information about the project is available here:

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