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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma

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EPALE diskusija: pieaugušo izglītības nākotne

Profile picture for user Aldis Lazda.
Aldis Lazda

2020. gada 8. jūlijā no 10.00 līdz 16.00 pēc Centrāleiropas laika EPALE vietnē aicinām piedalīties diskusijā par pieaugušo izglītības nākotni.
Diskusiju vadīs EPALE eksperte un Eiropas Pieaugušo izglītības asociācijas ģenerālsekretāre Džina Ebnere.

Online discussion future of adult learning.

2020. gada 8. jūlijā no 10.00 līdz 16.00 pēc Centrāleiropas laika EPALE vietnē notiks diskusija par pieaugušo izglītības nākotni.

  • Kādu jūs iztēlojaties pieaugušo izglītības sektora nākotni nākamajos piecos vai desmit gados?
  • Kas, jūsuprāt, notiks un ko jūs vēlētos pieredzēt šajā sektorā?
  • Kādi jauni izaicinājumi un iespējas varētu rasties?


Mēs aicinām visus EPALE kopienas biedrus piedāvāt savas idejas par pieaugušo izglītības nākotni – gan pārdrošas, gan piesardzīgas, optimistiskas un satrauktas.

Dalieties ar EPALE biedriem savā pieredzē - piedāvājiet savus padomus, gadījumu pētījumus un labās prakses piemērus! 

Lūdzu, pievienojieties mūsu tiešsaistes diskusijai. To vadīs EPALE eksperte Džina Ebnere, viņa vienlaicīgi ir arī Eiropas Pieaugušo izglītības asociācijas (EAEA) ģenerālsekretāre.


Komentāru sadaļa tiks atvērta 29. jūnijā, dodot iespēju dalībniekiem savstarpēji iepazīties un publicēt savus komentārus.

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It is stll very difficalt for low skilled adults to assist an e learning program. Second Chance Schools in Greece was just closed without providing e learning lessons. From the other hand all measures taken to support financially the work force was offered through platforms According to last PIAAC survey adults in Greece have low digital skills. We  have to invest more in digital skills training.
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Thanks Gina Ebner, for starting this discussion! It is very topical. I am from the second largest city in Latvia - Daugavpils. I have been organizing adult education since 2012.
Topic: Adults and distance learning. I see 2 problems: 1. Adults who can't learn remotely. They need a "living" person next door. 2. Teachers who have not mastered the technology or methodology for distance learning.
/ Sorry for my bad English! If something is not clear, please ask!

Paldies Gina Ebner,, ka uzsākāt šo diskusiju! Tā ir ļoti aktuāla. Es esmu no Latvijas otras lielākās pilsētas - Daugavpils. Organizēju pieaugušo izglītību kopš 2012.gada. 
Tēma: Pieaugušie un mācības attālināti. Redzu 2 problēmas: 1. Pieaugušie, kuri neprot mācīties attālināti. Viņiem ir nepieciešams "dzīvs" cilvēks blakus. 2. Skolotāji, kuri nav apguvuši tehnoloģijas vai metodiku, lai mācītu attālināti. 
/Piedodiet par manu slikto angļu valodu! Ja kaut kas nav saprotams, lūdzu jautājiet!/
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Dear Gina, Dear All, 
I presume digitalisation has recently had a significant impact on learning in general regardless of age, however, it has also higlighted barriers and opportunities too. Digitalisation has brought up new inequalities, inequities regarding Access, participation. Yet, it has clearly resonated a need for skills Development since digitalisation reconfigurated the contents of literacy too. Adult Education, in my understanding, has a responsibility and a role to take so as to help people use Digital devices and on-line space in an Advanced and conscious way.  Educational institutions and organisations should clearly emphasize this focus! Through EPALE and EAEA we can exchange upon practices and trends in this regard!
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1. Digitalisation is the underlying cause of many problems and this discussion and we are only at the beginning and its impact on economic, societal, technological developments will increase, at a pace that cannot be followed by people.
2. Digitalisation is also one of the change agents in our society and our education. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are taking over many of the human activities and as they are in interconnected systems. Within a short time frame (3 y) we will ´see´ (/experience) again big changes, although we most likely won´t ´see´ them and will be steered and operated by organisations like Google, Amazon, Apple and other intelligence services.
3. ICT can also be part of the solution, as it can bring people together and as a source of solutions, although in education it happens at a basic level (2.0/3.0), is forced by for instance a Covid-19-virus.
It can also be a solution in the service industry, like AI as 24/7 advisor-jobs, robots in elderly homes or like in production, logistics and transport.
4. The threats are manifold: polarisation (haves and haven't), dehumanisation, individualization, accelerating, etc. And changing the present system of education/training will take already more than 3 years... so we need to think 10 yrs ahead

We have to rethink our future. But that would mean that we should reform completely (or detach) from the present educational and qualification systems, because they are still based on systems which base lies in the industrial revolution, where you get a job for life, needed a ´qualification´ for that profession and needed once in a while a ´refresher´ or ´update´ course.
That means, amongst others, starting to respect the reality (not taking a stand of it is good or bad...):
- 70-94% of adult learning takes place informal
- more than 50% of the open jobs are even not published, but acquired through a grey system/networks
- and of the published jobs also more than 50-75% is acquired through networks, family/friends.

Key-competences could be a good start. But they have to be redefined for the present digitalized, network society where the only thing that is sure is that it will change.
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Dear Colleagues ,
Greetings, from ACEFIR , Catalonia , Spain .
HOPE is right now the only word that has a meaning for the Future of Adult Education ...
We’ll try and be positive in this weird situation we are all living.
Caterina Casanovas 
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Armando Loureiro
Tr, 07/08/2020 - 09:54

Adult education in the next ten years has to take into account more mature adults. Old age has an increasing significance in Western societies. Continuing and intensifying educational offerings for this age group is one of the ways of adult education. In Portugal, the Adult Education policy and its structures / institutions have, since 2000 and despite advances and setbacks, been solidifying the sector. For this reason, it is expected that the work carried out will continue and give greater visibility to some areas, such as adult education in prisons. I think that one of the biggest challenges of adult education is the processes directed to the elderly. It is a challenge and an opportunity to which the adult education sector will be able to respond.
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Profile picture for user n003dc90.
Vivianne Ruohola
Tr, 07/08/2020 - 09:44

Hello and greetings from Finland,

Thank you for interesting comments, dear colleagues. I'm looking forward to today's online conversation.


Vivianne Ruohola / NSS Finland
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I can’t agree more with some of the opinions expressed on the matter of formal and informal education, their interrelation, interdependence and equal significance in the future. I work for a provider of language courses in Bulgaria (British-Bulgarian Information and Language Centre) and what has been noticeable in the sector recently is the growing demand for language courses with a sub-focus on developing the soft skills, such as – effective communication, negotiations, presentation skills, critical thinking, leadership and so on. The interdisciplinary character of these courses requires additional knowledge and skills from the educators. To meet these expectations in our language centre we initiated an Erasmus Plus project - “Strategies for building and implementation of 21st century skills and optimization of the academic management in FLT to adults” (№ 2019-1-BG01-KA104-062215), KA 1, with the main purpose being qualifying our staff and incorporating 21st century skills and soft skills in the courses curricula. In addition, education in the future will have to be relevant to the new realities and be able to create active citizens, who bear more responsibility to the world and the global society, who are more agile and adaptable and who can think on their feet to find prompt solutions in a dynamic technologized environment.  
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Kees Schuur
Tr, 07/08/2020 - 00:26

I am looking forward to an interesting discussion, with consideration for a.o.:
 - The accelerating pace of change: how do adults cope with that 
- The usefulness of Education 2.0/3.0 in a Super Smart Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 (AI, ML)
- Which jobs will disappear (logistics, truck/bus-driver, travel agent, assembler, (legal) secretary, fast-food cooks, ….) and what will be alternatives? 
- Societal changes: end of globalisation? Polarisation? Individualism? Poor-Rich?...? 
 - The influence of increasing complexity/chaos (Covid-19, flooding, climate change, financial crises) on decisions in work-life career and learning of adults 
- Validation of Non-formal and informal learning (VNIL) is not enough. a) should include ´F´ormal (e.g. What is the value of a type-diploma?) and b) Why only a certificate or diploma and not informal recognition?

Interesting project: “Bridge+” with a.o. training of (work-life-) career guides and counsellors about their role and competences and also for them the question if their job still will exist over 5 years…. 

Many points for discussion now and who knows that over 5 years we don´t need an EPALE-discussion anymore. Meet Sophia:
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Ot, 07/07/2020 - 21:48

Hereby we share NSS Portugal contributions for this online discussion.

How do you imagine the future of the adult learning sector in the next five or ten years? 
Many studies and publications highlight that in future we will live, work and cooperate in a different way. The global digitalization will interfere with all our daily life dimensions and we need to be ready to deal with new challenges such as climate modifications, robotization, Internet of things and machine learning, migration in a large scale, new jobs and tasks and even new ways of business. These challenges demand new skills to everybody (for those without basic skills and also for people that attended higher levels of education). So adult learning must be more inclusive (to enable lower and very lower skilled people to cope with these new challenges and also to be a more intervenient citizen) and it needs to be more spread-out (to fulfill also those with higher level certification that need to get new skills, to start a new career job or to deal with new technologies and digital tools). 
Probably, non-informal and informal education will be more prevalent and relevant, as they will be used to provide adults with soft skills that will be necessary for adults to continue to take place in the increasingly interconnected and robotic labor market. 
More than ever, lifelong learning will be crucial, and education and training systems will need to intensify the qualification efforts for all people at different stages of their lives. 
Moreover, adult learning will necessarily be interconnected with the needs evidenced by companies and, consequently, new qualifications will have to emerge, as well as it will be necessary to shorten the time to update those same qualifications. All of these new demands will determinate a strong investment in adult education by Governments and between European Governments. 

What do you think will happen – and what would you like to happen? 
In Portugal, in the next years is expected to decrease the number of adult people with none or few qualifications, as Portuguese Government has launched in March 2016 the Qualifica programme (an integrated strategy to foster the training and qualification of adults). This programme has been implemented to pursuit four main objectives, based on Qualifica Centres work: 
 • Raise the qualification level of adults and their employability; 
• Increase digital and functional literacy; 
• Better align the training provision with labour market needs; 
• Facilitate tailored training pathways that lead to raising the qualification level of adults (better combining Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competencies – RVCC with adult education and training). 
So, it is expected to achieve some goals established by the Government, for instance to embrace 50% of the active population with upper secondary education and 15% of adults in lifelong learning activities. 
 A new media campaign focused on the central role of the Qualifica Centres should also improve the social and businessman perception regarding the recognition of informal and non-formal learning obtained outside the school context. 
Summarizing, we believe the adult learning sector has conditions and the necessary Governmental support to solve many persistent problems that Portugal faced in the last years. 

 What new challenges and opportunities will emerge? 
As we said before the new challenges are related mainly with climate changes, globalization and robotization and connectivity of things in work and daily environments, new scale of migrations caused by climate changes and economic and political conditions and new ways of working that modifies the production methods, and value chains and shorten the distances between those who produce and those who sell. These challenges demand news skills for all and a readiness to update those skills very fast, as they become obsolete very soon. 
The opportunities will emerge with world digitalization and interconnectivity of things. They enable people to learn everywhere, anytime and with new tutors. These tutors can even be machines, for instance the virtual assistants. It must be a great opportunity because each of us can choose the way we learn, in a flexible way, according our own possibilities and free time. Learning can be much more relevant, meaningful and motivational for each adult as it will respond to what each one is looking for.   

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Profile picture for user gina.ebner.
Regina EBNER
Ot, 07/07/2020 - 18:37

Dear all,
the comments so far show that online learning and communication have had quite some impact on the sector. I suggest that we start (continue!) to talk about this topic tomorrow at 10.00 am CEST.
We will then move to other topics and time frames :-)
See you tomorrow,

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Profile picture for user Elopescosta.
Etelberto Lopes Costa
Ot, 07/07/2020 - 18:06

Hello everyone. This topic is atractting great participation and that indicates consideration and interest. I´m from Portugal/Lisboa.
 1. Future of adult learning suffers for same diagnosys of education in general? At some point yes, when one considers that we claim for a change, not only in the processes and methodologies, but for an holistic approach that envolves all  in a Lifelong Learning umbrella.
2.We had that on yesterday opportunity when the pandemic confined us to our homes and teachers/trainers had to struggle to keep contact with their learners and keep ongoing with the learning process. Lessons learned? It seems not, as decision makers (at all education levels) are claiming for a return to the "pass" as it seemed that we were happy with education&training in Europe untill now and how it is. Is it inclusive? Farway from that? So give to digital an opportunity to make that. Be attentive to private sector and big corporations entering in the field. We have to keep standards for public education&training. 
3.Another point to be seriously changed concerns coordination and leadership. All EC programmes and Agendas (now the recent renewed skills agenda)  are focusing on the way ahead for a more digital and green society but, are they integrated and coordinated? No they are not! Leadership are loose and each comissioner has their one targets.
4. Like to end, calling again for a real change ou our approaches mainly for stakeholders on the adoption and privilege of Learning (action on the learner) and not on Education and Training as most of all our organizations still use. Adult learning is correct but adult education is not valid anymore.! i think....

ah, and of course here is my message for the Epale platform!it is not possible to perform well and motivate people and make actions when we have an electronic platform that transports us to the XX century. We are @XXI! 

Keep with the good work for a better Europe:


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Ot, 07/07/2020 - 14:36

Hello all, 
I am Natassa Kazantzidou, from IDEC Greece. I want to pinpoint the importance of the social aspect of learning. Learners should belong to a community, even if this is a virtual one. During the lockdown, we saw that in cases where there is a leader or a facilitator, the learning community keeps on and members are motivated to continue learning. In the future, much of the learning will go online, but still the sense of belonging to a community is very important, Therefore, we should explore blended approaches of on-site / on-line learning, in adult learning. 
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 I agree. The future of adult education is in finding a balance between face-to-face and e-learning. Social interaction (between adult educator and learners, and between learners too) and verbal and nonverbal feedback are in e-learning limited.  

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Profile picture for user David LOPEZ.
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Ot, 07/07/2020 - 14:22

My name is David LOPEZ. In France I've been working for many years in what we call EDUCATION POPULAIRE. I'm still elected in a federation of a strong Ligue de l'enseignement (In Brittay and North of France. I'm an ambassador EPALE fostering activities in the field of Popular education. I'm also vice president of an European association : VOLONTEUROPE, member of European civic forum. I've been during 7 years the president and one of the founders of Lifelong Learning Platform and member of the board of EAEA (Association for adults education, The strongest association in Europe on that field)

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  My name is Anita Apine and I'm an regional EPALE ambassador from Latvia. Only from another region as Ilze Onzule. About future:  as a representative of a regional library, I would constantly explore what we, as a cultural and educational institution, can do in the field of adult education. The future of libraries lies in the field of non-formal adult education Libraries are one of the players in the field of non-formal adult education. As lifelong learning is a lifelong learning process based on the need to acquire knowledge, skills and experience to upgrade or change one's qualifications according to interests and needs and labor market requirements, libraries also see their place in this process, as in any profession, Nowadays, everyone has to face the development of technology, which requires workers to keep up with the new, as well as the ability to adapt to changing conditions. Libraries (within the limits of their capabilities and staff qualifications) offer free computer training - currently only for seniors. However, it is possible that this service will be expanded in the near future, as training helps community residents to become more competitive in the labor market. And it's not insignificant for the future.
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Profile picture for user David LOPEZ.
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Ot, 07/07/2020 - 14:05

For the future of adult learning, I think that the good way will be in between a large scale of digital methods AND presential moments with teachers, social workers, trainers and learners. The future will be also in inventing new methodologies of learning due to digital inputs.
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Maria Parmakli
Ot, 07/07/2020 - 13:01

Γεια σας! Ονομάζομαι Μαρία και είμαι μέλος της Εθνικής Υπηρεσίας Υποστήριξης της EPALE Κύπρου. Ένα θέμα που αφορά το μέλλον της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων είναι η δυνατότητα, ανάπτυξης και προώθησης του πεδίου μέσα από την εξ αποστάσεως διδασκαλία και μάθηση. Η παγκόσμια συγκυρία της πανδημίας έχει πραγματικά αναδείξει αυτή τη νέα πραγματικότητα σε συνδυασμό με την αναγκαιότητα καλλιέργειας των ψηφιακών δεξιοτήτων των ενηλίκων. Άλλωστε ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα εμπόδια για την πραγματοποίηση περαιτέρω σπουδών/ εκπαιδεύσεων από τους ενήλικες, είναι το γεγονός ότι έχουν περισσότερες υποχρεώσεις και λιγότερο ελεύθερο χρόνο από ότι εκπαιδευόμενοι που μόλις αποφοίτησαν από το σχολείο. Η δυνατότητα της εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης αποδεσμεύει τον ενήλικα από την αναγκαιότητα της φυσικής παρουσίας και επιπλέον προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα παρακολούθησης ηχογραφημένων διαλέξεων/σεμιναρίων και εκπαιδευτικών πόρων, που είναι διαθέσιμοι ανά πάσα στιγμή, έτσι ώστε οι ενήλικες εκπαιδευόμενοι να έχουν την ευκαιρία να μάθουν κατά το χρόνο που τους βολεύει καλύτερα.
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Merhaba adım Melek Kızılelma Türkiye de halk eğitim merkezi inde çalışıyorum yetişkin eğitimi ve entegrasyonu için özellikle bu süreçte kesinlikle teknolojiye ihtiyacımız artmıştır ve eğitimlerin devam edebilmesi için yaygınlaştırılması için epale gibi sosyal platformlar daha çok kullanılmaya başlanmıştır bundan sonraki hayatımızın bir parçası olacağını düşünüyorum. 
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Bonjour à tous, 

Je suis directrice d'un cabinet d'accompagnement VAE et de bilans de compétences. 
Pendant le confinement j'ai pu continuer les accompagnements à distance pour les salariés qui utilisaient sans problème 
les outils digitaux. 
J'accompagne des salariées du service à la personne en VAE sur des diplômes d'aide à la personne peu habituées aux ordinateurs. 
Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise de voir ces salariés accéder aux plateformes de visio conférence, de partage de documents. 

Ces salariées, après les avoir formées par téléphone à l'utilisation ont ressenti de la fierté d'avoir su accéder à ces outils et de continuer leur VAE. 
Cette expérience  m'inspire de l'espoir dans l'accès dans la formation à distance pour un public peu familiarisé. 

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Hello, everyone! I work for a private language-teaching centre in Bulgaria. What is interesting to point out about the situation here, is that even though some part of the learners took to online courses on Zoom, Google teams, Discord etc., a greater percentage of them still prefer to have normal classes offering personal contact with their teacher. I think this suggests that the role of the teacher as a motivator and a pillar of confidence for students is essential and even though distant learning has indisputable advantages in extreme circumstances, it won't entirely replace the classroom in the near future, esp. for adult learners, who have not entirely grown in the era of technologies. 
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I work in an adult school in Sweden and teach adults in Swedish and English. Today its even more important that each country in EU takes responsibility and invests in vocational education and supplementary basic education for higher studies. I am interested to hear how your countries prioritize adult education today after the Corona era. I can tell you what Sweden is doing today regarding it.
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Ce, 07/02/2020 - 19:18

Hello everybody, my name is Carmen Stadelhofer and I am the president of Institute ILEU from Germany, we are an adult/senior education institution. I welcome you to join our online conference "Sharing beyond borders – New ways of care, communication and cooperation of older people along the Danube and in Europe in times of COVID-19”. More information you will find on our website: We will be happy to see you there and discuss among other topics also about the future of adult learning, digitalisation, rights of older people, age-friendly cities etc. together! Kind regards
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Dear Carmen,

great that you're organizing your conference online! Our yearly EPALE conference was also held online and the outcome was very positive. You can find more information about the conference here EPALE is a great way to share your results of the conference and encourage further discussion. All the best!

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Profile picture for user nliusylv.
Sylvia LIUTI
Ce, 07/02/2020 - 15:27

Hi everyone, I am really happy to take part in the discussion through EPALE. We as FORMA.Azione - are currently coordinating an ERASMUS + KA2 strategic partnership aimed at increasing adults participation in lifelong learning, mainly by improving their Personal, Social and Learning to learn competence. What we have already found so far, through an open discussion with key stakeholders and learners it's the need to reaching out to the most disadvantaged, by activating appropriate initiatives and tools. Not always online social networks are the most effective channels, rather in person meetings are considered more useful and productive. One important open question is also about motivation; how to better motivate adults to upskill and/or reskill? How to involve them in lifelong learning opportunities? I look very much forward to hear from you.
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Profile picture for user Rose-Marie Soulé.
Rose-Marie SOULE
Ce, 07/02/2020 - 14:47

Dans la programmation antérieure 2007-2013 les personnes âgées étaient incluses comme public cible dans le secteur éducatif Grundtvig. Dans le Programme Erasmus+, ce public cible était moins visé. La thermiologie Sénior, renvoyait plus sur les secteurs éducatifs EFP ou EES.
Il semblerait que pour le Programme 2021-2027 ce public cible soit à nouveau inclus.

C'est une chance pour eux !!!! et pour toutes les structures qui interviennent auprès d'eux. La pandémie à mis en évidence la nécessité de les écouter, de leur donner la parole, de les rendre actifs dans toutes les activités mises en place et de capitaliser leurs approches souvent pragmatiques et essentielles dans les compétences numériques et la valorisation des compétences non formelles et informelles. Les liens intergénérationnels ont mis en valeur les principes de l'inclusion sociale dans tous les actes citoyens et quotidiens.
Gratitude pour cette nouvelle démarche qui favorisera la transmission d'un patrimoine culturel, interculturel, citoyen, européen et Humain, à la hauteur de nos engagements pédagogiques et éducatifs.
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Profile picture for user HCepova.
Hana Čepová
Ce, 07/02/2020 - 17:46

Our organization, Právě teď! o.p.s.  (Czech Rep.) which specializes in the field of education of seniors, tried immediately after the outbreak of the crisis in connection with COVID-19 to find a way to stay in touch with seniors. We knew from phone calls with them that they suffer the most from social exclusion and loss of contact with their loved ones.
Already in the first days of the crisis, we started to organize "evening talks" meetings on the Zoom platform, than bit later we gradually transferred to this platform most of our regular program (memory training, physical exercises, language conversation, lectures, etc.).

Of course, not all seniors were able to join Zoom. Some of them had a technical problem (missing headphones / microphone, camera, old PC..), for some it was a problem to go through the need to register in English (from the beginning of April). Aet we tried to help them connect (over the phone) and we created our own tutorial video. Nevertheless, many of them managed it and got involved in the activities and highly praised this way of communication in the given situation. 
But if we look to the near future, future seniors will be more and more technically proficient, and this way of teaching and contact will certainly find its place in future ways of communication (and learning).

In this way of communication, our organization used its experience from several Erasmus+ projects in which we participated/we participate. We used a lot of experience from the CriThink project during the "evening talks" (a lot of false information emerged from the beginning of the pandemic!!) and we also used the experience from the DigiAdult project when using technical aids. By doing physical exercises and memory training, we returned to the MemTrain project experience.

As already stated, we definitely see the future of (not only) education in the connection via (various) virtual platforms.

#seniors #covid #on-line #zoom #CriThink #DigiAdults #MemTrain,
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Dear Pedro,
the discussion will take place right here, and no registration is needed.
You can post your comments and share your perspective with your colleagues in this page.
Thanks for taking part!
Claudia (EPALE moderator)
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Profile picture for user n0031phy.
Ekaette Archibong
Ce, 07/02/2020 - 08:51

Neomari Creative Sector Services , Hertfordshire, UK - we have had to move our art and craft courses onto a Zoom platform. The main issues have been access and ability to use technology especially as we are working predominantly with low income communities. We also noticed that we have had to provide more holistic services. Our business start up course has become more popular as people are looking for alternative ways to gain employment. During one of our sessions, the conversation turned to employability. We also have a contract providing activities for elderly tenants in a housing association. As we cannot havve face to face contact, we have moved Virtual Coffee Mornings online. This is where the barriers to digital technology and language can be seen to exclude participants. The way forward is enabling digital access, supporting alternative routes to employment and promoting functional creative skills for mental health and wellbeing.
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carmen sanlo
Tr, 07/01/2020 - 16:52

good's a very good idea to meet and exchange our ideas about the future of adult education. It' s a very difficult situation and we need to stay closer and exchane our experiences about how we can defeat this big challenge. In italy the situation is quite calm but we don't know wht we'll expect in autumn. all the experts says that we, surely, have a second round of pandemia... Blended acitivities can be a solution.. but it's so important the human contact
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Pauline Kersten
Tr, 07/01/2020 - 11:16

The Covid pandemic not only exposed the digital divide in our community, but also the underestimated value of social contacts and support that learners receive from participating in adult learning. Zoom sessions, if you are lucky enough to have an electronic device and good internet connection, can only replace social contacts to a certain extent. The impact of the pandemic on people's mental health, feelings of isolation and despair seems significant. Here in Belfast I only have anecdotal evidence of this, but it seems to me that we need to work to find a balance between conducting adult education as safely as possible and providing learners with the much needed social interactions and support. I am keen to find out how other community-based adult education providers tackle this issue.
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Profile picture for user Giovanna Brunelli.
Giovanna Brunelli
Tr, 07/01/2020 - 09:43

Dear all
I am so glad to have the opportunity to take part to a cross-european ideas exchange on such an important topic! Our organisation is working hard in analysing the evolution of adult education and in questioning how can adult education be perceived from a growing number of adults as THE tool to build a resilient future
I am so looking forward to meeting you all July 8th and give my contribution to future adult education!

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Profile picture for user ankagra.
Anna Grabowska
Tr, 07/01/2020 - 06:58

During the summer semester the Academy of Third Age at Gdansk University of Technology (Poland) replaced Face to Face meetings with ZOOM.  Our elderly learners took part in online meetings with a big enthusiasm. The most important was involving our learners in ERASMUS+ project activities ( They took part in  a virtual workshop dedicated to  producing short films. The training was e available online and off line using Moodle, ZOOM and Facebook. In my opinion the pandemic time caused a deep interest in learning more about advanced ICT technologies by people 70, 80+.  Do you have the same experience?
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Yes, Anna - I am based in London, and belong to a london club where the membership age profile is 60+.  There has been a keen interest in learning more about communication platforms.  I was surprised and pleased.

This has been seen everywhere. I continue to work in the charitable sector looking at life skills education, and here too, there is a great deal of interest amongst life skills educators and their students to learn the platforms, and use them for work collaboration, as well as teaching.
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Dear Anka, 
we also made the same experiences, you mentioned, in our joint SPIDW project, and I am sure that our project results are a big support for old or elderly people (and even for Younger people ;-)) in preparing them for online-learning and digital participation. 
SPIDW is a project for Exchange of Good Practice in the field of adult education. Priorities of the project are allocated in extending and developing educators' competences, open education and innovative practices in a digital era and social inclusion. The main ojectives of the project are: - to enable organizations to develop and strengthen their capacity to increase the ability to work internationally by sharing ideas, methods and good practices and implement successful activities with older people at local, national and international level; - to improve capacity of experts working with retired in digital field; - social inclusion Digital skills older people obtain for communication create a better quality of life.
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Ilze Ivanova
Tr, 07/08/2020 - 15:02

I think we have to pay more attention to learning of senior citizens. They have great experience , that can be deepened with contemporary knowledge and skills. We have to think more about intergenerational learning.Senior citizens are also stakeholders in the society and intergenerational  learning and communication is of great importance.
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Regina EBNER
Tr, 07/01/2020 - 05:46

Dear all,
it's exciting to see that we already have the first comments! First, welcome to the discussion - I very much look forward to talking with you next week. You can already post, and I'm glad to see that some of the key issues have already been raised: inclusion, aging, modern technologies and teachers. I'm sure we'll have a longer list already before the meeting. :-)
We'll talk soon!

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Ilze Ivanova
Tr, 07/08/2020 - 14:39

It would be very interesting to exchange experiences about the work of Third Age Universities.There are a lot of them in different countries but at the same time there is not a profound research about the effectiveness of their work.

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