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„Epale“ - elektroninė suaugusiųjų mokymosi platforma Europoje


Akimirkų albumas: „Epale“ bendruomenės istorijų knyga 2022

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Profile picture for user AusraKar.
Aušra Karklytė

Mūsų gyvenimo patirtys – pakilimai, nuosmukiai ir viskas, kas įvyksta tarp jų, formuoja mus. Kai augame ir patiriame naujus dalykus, mes keičiamės.

Šis nuotraukų albumas yra atsiminimų ir įkvėpimų kolekcija. Jį pradėjome paklausę šios bendruomenės apie ankstyviausią prisiminimą apie mokymąsi, įskaitant tai, kas buvo drauge ir suteikė šiam momentui džiaugsmo.

2022 m. „EPALE“ bendruomenės istorijos pristato 85 mūsų bendruomenės narių profesines ir asmenines istorijas. Nuo pirmųjų mokymosi patirties ir ankstyvų pasisekimų ar nusivylimų iki motyvacijos, kuri kiekvieną dieną įkvepia pedagogus jų darbe.

Kiekviena istorija susijusi su kitomis ir visos drauge jos pasakoja kolektyvinį pasakojimą, kuris atskleidžia subtilią ir galingą mokymosi visą gyvenimą istoriją. Šis akimirkų albumas yra gyvos kolektyvinės atminties ir įkvėpimo šaltinis.

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Download the Scrapbook!

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Profile picture for user Franz Heffeter.
Franz Heffeter
Ket, 03/30/2023 - 17:20

2020 schlug COVID über allen Aktivitäten in der Berufsbildung ein wie ein Schlaghammer. 2022 und 2023 sehen wieder enormes Interesse an Mobilitäten. Jetzt ist es uns gelungen, erstmals Gartenbaulehrlingen die Möglichkeit von Praktika in innovativen Südtiroler Gärtnereien und in den phantastischen Trautmannsdorfschen Gärten zu geben. Sie sind mit Begeisterung zurückgekommen. Wenn wir die Hürde skeptischer Betriebe mit weiteren so motivierten Berufsschuldirektor*innen wie Franz Großhagauer überwinden können, werden wir das Bewusstsein für die vielen Vorteile von Erasmus+ auch bei den Salzburger Lehrlingen weiterführen können. Danke der Berufsschule für Gartenbau Klessheim! Stories werden folgen!


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Profile picture for user nribeics.
Ant, 02/14/2023 - 20:06

EPALE made another promotional film. As usual, in the world of EPALE there are no poor people. There are no housing estates. There are no dark workshops and small factories with hard work, no cold rural schools. There are no poor people, there are no people with (decent) lives but with many difficulties. In Portugal there are half a million working poor. They get up at 6:30 in the morning, work and return home late. But they don't earn enough to feed themselves and their families. For these so-called qualifications. they are also a field of difficulty. But in the film they are all happy. There are sunbeams illuminating hair in the wind of children marveling at their future. And so. How much money was spent on this insulting production for the non-rich?
When we talk about adult education, we think of everyone, of course. But we think above all of those who need it most. That's why the relationship with SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION is so poorly perceived and accepted by those who, deep down, deep down, DREAM IS OF THE WORLD OF THE RICH!

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Dear Carlos,

Thanks for sharing your view on the book trailer.

Let me address the points you raised since it seems that this comment is a way to put the spotlight on current constraints and difficulties in adult learning. We are perfectly aware of such limits and struggles, and the platform hosts plenty of content sharing such distress in everyday practices… in the many spaces where learning happens. We are emphasizing more and more in recent years the many different challenging spaces and activities, and we honestly do not feel guilty about forgetting the challenging sides of ALE. We are giving more and more voice and space to social inclusion practices, the (human) right to access education, education in prison or in reception centres, in rural areas and in the many contexts that work every day to empower vulnerable learners.

The short video is a visual and evocative introduction to the collection of memories shared by the EPALE community when participating in the Community Stories initiative. We don’t believe it’s insulting, and it was created based on the narratives share by our community members that work every day as adult educators, but we regret that you felt it this way. The stories tell about the joy of learning, the discovery of the world through education, the earliest memories and the motivation that educators shared in their stories. You can read the collection in the Scrapbook attached to this blog post. I can’t find anything wrong with “sunbeams illuminating hair in the wind of children marveling at their future”, especially when this is something that emerges from the stories shared by our community members.

This book trailer and the related Storybook are therefore a way to celebrate the commitment of the EPALE community members that shared with us their learning journey. It is the result of the passion of hardworking people committed to social inclusion, education and human rights. Education is a right, education is hard sometimes, education happens everywhere, education costs sacrifices, education can be paused and re-started, education is empowering… and education is also joy, gratification and hope.

All the best,
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)

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Profile picture for user gamonales77.
María José Galán Gamonales
Ant, 01/10/2023 - 20:42

The scrapbook is a very interesting propose. I enjoy so much reading it. Thanks for your work of recopilation these memories.


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Sonata Barvainienė

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