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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE Newscast July 2023 - Learning everywhere

Profile picture for user EPALE Moderator.
EPALE Editor

For the last five months, EPALE and the Lifelong Learning Platform have worked together to bring brand new episodes of the newscast, and July is no exception. 

What is it about?

This month we will take a tour through some of the latest ALE news and activities held during the European Year of Skills. We will show that learning can happen everywhere: in formal, informal and non-formal environments, at the workplace, in cities... And what better way to do so, than giving voice to members of our EPALE community? We'll take a deeper look at one of the many initiatives and practices shared on EPALE: the Map4accessibility project, which invites citizens to take action to improve urban accessibility through a co-design approach.

When and where?

The EPALE Newscast is coming to you, live, on the first working Monday of the month: this one will air on 3 July at 12.00 pm CEST! You can always rewatch it and share it afterwards on the platform, to continue growing the community that’s keeping up to date with the latest news in adult learning and education.

In August we will take a little break, so the next Newscast will be on 4 September - mark it in your calendar!

Missed the last ones? You can watch and rewatch them in the EPALE Newscast section!

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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Fim, 07/06/2023 - 08:57

A Készségek Európai Évében van mire fókuszálni a tanulási terek és a városok kapcsolatában. Jó lehetőség továbbra is a pécsi Tanuló Fesztivál, ahol több résztvevő is a fogytékossággal élőkre figyel.

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Profile picture for user n002qgug.
Guido Adragna
Mon, 07/03/2023 - 12:15

Here are some links of the initiatives and news from today's newscast's topics!

The Porto Social Forum 2023:

Comments are still open for the last online discussion on basic skills in the #EuropeanYearOfSkills!…

Did you miss our latest podcast on digital skills to empower citizens? Do not worry, there's still time to listen to it!…

Does digitalisation make us all publishers? Linus Andersson's reflection is extremely topical!…

The EPALE Malta Awards have been launched: discover more on EPALE!

The Maps4Accessibility Erasmus+ project:…

Join the EPALE Community Stories initiative:

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Profile picture for user Dorota Gierszewski.
Dorota Gierszewski
Community Hero (Gold Member).
lau, 07/01/2023 - 19:08

mam wrażenie, że warto o tym wciąż przypominać. Edukacja dorosłych to nie tylko działania w instytucjach. To szerokie spektrum czynności związane zarówno z uczeniem się formalnym jak i nieformalnym. Dorośli są gotowi i chętni do uczenia się, gdy istnieje ku temu dobry powód. Dzięki uczeniu się w społeczności lokalnej osoby dorosłe zdobywają umiejętność krytycznego myślenia oraz artykułowania własnych i grupowych interesów, a także wspierają tolerancję i ochronę praw człowieka.

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EPALE Editor

Virk samfélagsleg þátttaka á efri árum og nám þvert á kynslóðir

Þegar litið er til lýðfræðilegra breytinga (demographic change) í Evrópu kemur í ljós að hlutfall eldra fólks í öllum Evrópusambandslöndunum er hátt og fer hækkandi. Þess vegna er afar áríðandi að boðið sé upp á hágæða námsefni, sem sniðið er að þörfum eldra fólks og að fólkið sjálft sé haft með í stefnumótun í símenntun og virkri þátttöku í samfélaginu. 
