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New call for expression of interest. Uptake of the Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union

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New call for expression of interest. Uptake of the Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union

A new call for expression of interest has been published jointly by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) and the OECD International Network for Financial Education (OECD-INFE).

Aim and objective

The call aims at identifying frontrunner adult education practitioners who are using (or plan to use) the financial competence framework for adults in the EU in their financial literacy initiatives.
Over time, it may be possible to facilitate the exchange of lessons learnt by practitioners who use the framework in concrete initiatives in the field of adult education. The exchange of lessons learnt could take place through targeted workshops with practitioners.

Scope and focus

All initiatives based on the new framework are welcome. In particular, practitioners that are using (or planning to use) the framework in concrete financial education initiatives addressing the following topics are especially encouraged to reply:

  • digital financial competences;
  • sustainable finance competences;
  • competences relevant for financial resilience and vulnerable groups.
Eligibility criteria

Financial literacy practitioners that develop or teach adult financial education materials in the EU and are using or plan to use the joint EU/OECD-INFE financial competence framework for adults in concrete financial education initiatives are invited to respond to this call for expression of interest. Amongst others, practitioners from NGOs, adult education institutions (public or private), public institutions (including supervisory institutions), research centres, employer representatives and/or financial companies/associations are invited to reply.

More information about the European Commission’s and OECD-INFE’s joint project on the framework

The link to the Commission and OECD-INFE joint framework for adults to improve individuals’ financial skills:

Ready to express interest?

You can fill out the form by 15 April 2022.

Here you can express your interest:

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