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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


How To Blog on EPALE

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Profile picture for user EPALE Ireland.
EPALE Ireland

Want to share a blog with your peers on EPALE? Learn how-to in this super-short video! 

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Profile picture for user ramonmangion.
Ramon Mangion
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
mer 23/02/2022 - 15:55

Thanks for this resource, I am constantly sharing information about EPALE with my team of 50 academic and non-academic staff members. We do a lot of good work here and for sure there are opportunities for contributions.




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Profile picture for user ncaruavi.
mer 23/02/2022 - 11:52

In each and every course of mine I introduce my students to EPALE and I encourage them to register. This is a much needed resource and I will share it with students.

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Profile picture for user Agence Erasmus Plus France Education Formation.
Agence Erasmus + France Education Formation
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Quels thèmes souhaiteriez-vous voir traités sur EPALE?


Johanne Ranson
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

La nécessité d'éduquer au consentement dès le plus jeune âge

Skills for consent, un projet de création d’un livret d’activités d’éducation au consentement

Profile picture for user n00aon04.
Marco Cecchinato

Durabilité et formation des adultes : aller au-delà des compétences vertes ?

Rejoignez-nous pour réfléchir aux compétences vertes comme moyen d'aborder des questions complexes et interconnectées telles que le changement climatique et les défis environnementaux.
