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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe



DARE - Digital Awareness for Resilience Experiences officially kicked off in online mode

At the beginning of May, the project "DARE - Digital Awareness for Resilience Experiences" officially started during an online meeting among partners.

DARE aims to fill one of the biggest gaps generated by the pandemic and its effects, namely the relationship between educators/citizens and the territory, society and physical places. Among its effects, the Covid-19 emergency caused enormous disruptions in the education and training sectors and a sudden shift to online and distance learning. The widespread use of technology has revealed gaps and weaknesses, but it also represents an opportunity to rethink education and training for the digital age. Digital technologies can improve flexibility and creativity, help improve efficiency and learning outcomes, but there is a significant digital divide, i.e. the gap between those who have access to information technologies (personal computers and the Internet) and those who are excluded. Learning opportunities must be accessible to all and thus ensure access to an enormous amount of information and resources.

Therefore, DARE’s general objective is to encourage the development of digital skills and life skills of adults, while, more specifically, the project intends:

- to contribute to the recovery of the resilience of the educational, cultural and creative sectors through digital tools;

- to facilitate social inclusion through the arts, promoting an innovative participatory and intercultural dialogue.

The project involves the realization of the following intellectual outputs:

  • a digital toolkit for remote co-design activities (IO1): a digital training program for the use of virtual tools and methodologies for online education;
  • a collaborative digital platform for creative storytelling (IO2): an open and collaborative online mapping system, accessible via web and mobile, which represents cities in an original, participatory and shared way, based on multimedia content generated by users.

Two training events will also be held on the following topics:

- Digital tools and methodologies to promote online education;

- Digital storytelling and digital image manipulation to create interactive images.

After each training, local workshops will be held to test the methodologies learned.

The participants in the project will be educators and operators in the field of EDA (Education of Adults) working with partner organizations and adults with fewer opportunities: the former will have the opportunity to maximize the potential of using digital tools in their daily work, while the latter will be able to acquire new skills that will affect their empowerment levels.

DARE is supported by the KA2 - Adult Education (Innovation) of the European program Erasmus+ and is implemented by Per Esempio Onlus (coordinator) in partnership with:

Fundación Cives (Spain)

Fundación Hazloposible (Spain)

Ljudska Univerza Ajdovscina (Slovenia)

Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway)

PUSH (Italy)

"Values, Virtus, Integrity" Foundation VVIF - (Bulgaria)

DARE has a duration of two years, from March 2021 to February 2023.


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