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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe



BELGIUM - OSTBELGIEN- Database and administration of adult education associations

#ErasmusDays2019, the EPALE teams wished to raise awareness about the European Union commitment in adult lifelong learning. They created a digital exhibition with 28 different projects, demonstrating the variety of practices across Europe.
Eugénie B

#ErasmusDays2019, the EPALE teams wished to raise awareness about the European Union commitment in adult lifelong learning. They created a digital exhibition with 28 different projects, demonstrating the variety of practices across Europe.


Die Eiche VoG is a recognized adult education institution in the German-speaking Community of Belgium. The main activities of the associa- tion are the organization of exercise programs to preserve the longest possible autonomy and mobility as well as computer courses to avoid exclusion through the ever faster progressing computerization in everyday life.

Our Erasmus + project was about making our work easier with professional software. Our goal to simplify the administrative manage- ment of our courses initially failed due to a va- riety of factors: budget, complexity, user-frien- dliness, design, support, time and, last but not least, our own requirements.

After a long search, we opted for the software Javis for our project. First we had to adapt the existing Javis version to our needs. For this purpose, all problem areas were identified and

compiled in a questionnaire. As second step, we organized a mobility for three employees to Osnabrück (DE) to attend a training course and work on the questionnaire together with the program developers.

Finally, we succeeded in optimizing the sof- tware for us as an efficient database and admi- nistration program and meanwhile in training all users of our association. Javis has been implemented successfully and has greatly fa- cilitated administrative work since then, ma- king courses, schedules and participants much more effective and manageable.

We are currently sharing our experience in East Belgium with other educational institutions. The long-term goal is to make the software available to other educational organizations and to incorporate their requests and needs into the development.


Database and administration of adult education associations


To develop a software for the administration of an adult education organisation


Adult Education organisations



• BELGIUM: Die Eiche V.o.G.


National Support Services Belgium – Ostbelgien

Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft


Read more about the exhibition process and find the table of contents with all the projects :


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