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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond


European Year of Skills - Real People, Real Skills

Profile picture for user lllplatform.
Lifelong Learning Platform

Real People, Real Skills

Reskilling and upskilling may seem like empty words, but there are stories behind them. There are people behind the reason why the European Union adopted the European Year of Skills. Stories of men and women who changed their lives by learning a new job, by attending a new training or simply by following their vocation. It is time to showcase what individuals can do. 

The European Commission is calling on all citizens and stakeholders in the education and employment sectors to flag and submit the stories that can fuel the desire and motivation to learn.

Click here to fill in the survey and participate!

Did you have a recent career change? Do you know of someone who embodies the spirit of the European Year of Skills? Someone who changed their life and job by learning new skills, acquiring new competencies or simply by venturing on a new journey? 

Or: do you know of or work for an organisation that supports people in gaining new skills, competencies, knowledge and attitudes? 

The new campaign “Real people, real stories” wants to pinpoint the life-changing impact that skills can have on every one of us. Your story can inspire others to embark on a similar journey, and to discover the opportunities for training and lifelong learning; your story can be featured in the closing event of the European Year of Skills! Do you have what Europe is looking for?

Hop on on the Commission’s website and answer the call! The deadline is 19 January.

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EPALE 2021 fookusteemad. Alustame!

Kutsume sind rikastama eelseisvat aastat oma panuse ja ekspertiisiga! Alustuseks võta osa veebiarutelust, mis toimub teisipäeval, 9. märtsil kell 10-16 (CET). Kirjalik arutelu toimub otseülekandena ja juhatab sisse 2021. aasta fookusteemad. Arutelu juhivad EPALE toimkonna nimel Gina Ebner ja  Aleksandra Kozyra EAEA-st.
