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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond



The 5th Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) Biennale is now announced!

Kanava, taloja sen varrella ja silta.

The 5th Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) Biennale is now announced!

The 5th VPL Biennale will take place in Kilkenny, Ireland from Monday 6 to Wednesday 8 May 2024, co-hosted by Canada, Ireland, and the United States in collaboration with the Biennale Committee. 

The theme of this international gathering is People, Validation, and Power: Democracy in Action? 

The Biennale will focus on VPL concepts and practices in relation to democracy through an exploration of four sub-themes:

  • validation and the individual
  • validation and skills
  • validation and inclusion
  • validation and mobility

There will be many ways in which you can participate in and contribute to this dynamic community of practice. 

For further information, registration and follow-up click here to indicate your interest, receive our concept paper and programme, get regular updates (including details on early bird registration and the call for proposals), and reserve hotel rooms. 

Preferential hotel rates are only available until 28 August 2023.We encourage you to reserve a room now to take advantage of these rates. Local hotels have a generous cancellation policy. 

Watch for future announcements of our website, programme, call for proposals, and full registration information!

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