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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond

Event Details

16 Märts

Erasmus+ ADU Speed Date Event for Organisations working in the Disability Sector

Kaugosalusega sündmus
Profile picture for user JLee.
Jemma Lee
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).


A graphic of an infinity symbol. Text says Erasmus+ Adult Education Online "Speed Dating" Partner...

We are always looking for ways to encourage more organisations to benefit from the funding and opportunities that Erasmus+ European projects can offer. One key challenge that keeps coming up for newcomers to European projects is finding partners to work with – so we have found a solution! Along with my colleagues from across Europe, we are holding a “speed dating” style online event especially for organisations working in the disability sector. 

During the event organisations will be moved into a number of different breakout rooms, so will have an opportunity to be introduced to other similar organisations from all over Europe that could be potential partners for joint projects, job shadowing opportunities, learner mobilities, or more. We will also ask all participants to contribute some details about their organisation on a Padlet, so they can read more and contact each other afterwards.

Contact the Adult Education team in the Erasmus+ National Agency in your country to express your interest! 
National Agencies | Erasmus+ (

Event Details
As planned
Hybrid event
Osalejate arv
< 100
Täiskasvanute õppe võrgustikud ja organisatsioonid

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