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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond



Teaching a host country language to migrant and refugee students? A more holistic approach with language teaching embedded into social inclusion practices: here is the Lingua+ MOOC

Profile picture for user Teresa Dello Monaco.
Teresa Dello Monaco

Lingua+ is the project within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme that strives for bringing more holistic approach to adult learning by merging important aspects of socio-cultural adoption with state- of-the- art methods in the host country language acquisition. 

The Lingua+ Teacher Training Course Guide and MOOC present the core input of Lingua+ project and offer a tool to build growth mind-set for educators working with adult immigrants. The Guide and MOOC are complementary parts of the whole.

The Lingua+ Teacher Training Course Guide outlines the basis of the Lingua + programme and enables adult educators with know-how on Lingua+ methods and practices through F2F training. It is uploaded on the project platform as an Open Educational Resource of Lingua+ under Creative Commons (CC) license for the benefit of trainers, teachers, volunteers, and language experts, policy makers in Europe and beyond.

The Lingua+ online Course (MOOC) is a tool for autonomous learning. It contains the project resources chosen by the Lingua+ team, assignments and self-assessment on the learnt subjects and presents six different unites:

  • Introduction
  • Adult Learning Principles in Language Teaching
  • Motivating Migrants into Language Learning
  • Cultural Awareness in the classroom
  • Promoting Civic Competences to Migrants
  • Conclusion    

Find it here on the Lingua+ website.

Enjoy it and use it as a springboard for your own creativity!



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