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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond

Event Details

23 Sept


Ufuoma Ederewhevbe


The EAEA Younger Staff Training of 2019 will be held in Brussels on 23-27 September.

Each day will have a different focus, the overarching aim being to help the participants explore the European dimension of adult education and connect it to their national or local level. As every year, representatives of European institutions working on adult education will be invited to give inputs on existing EU policy frameworks, with EAEA providing the civil society perspective. Following the EAEA theme in 2019, a special focus will be put on the topic of life skills.

The Younger Staff Training participants will also visit the European Parliament and a Belgian adult education centre.

By the end of the training, the participants:

  • Have learnt about the diversity of policy and practice in adult education in Europe by comparing their professional experiences and national challenges
  • Are familiar with the main challenges in European adult education sector and the role of European civil society
  • Have gained a basic understanding of regional differences in the definition and traditions of adult education in Europe
  • Are able to identify major EU policy frameworks in the field of adult education
  • Are familiar with the main methods that can be used for advocacy
  • Have received practical advice for writing project applications on adult education.
Event Details
As planned
Ürituse veebisait
Korraldaja tüüp
Muu üritus
Organiser name
European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA)


Rue de l’Industrie 10, 1000 Brussels

Tel. +32 2 893 25 22
Õppejõud, üliõpilased, teadurid andragoogika alal
Täiskasvanute õppe võrgustikud ja organisatsioonid
By the end of the training, the participants:
•Have learnt about the diversity of policy and practice in adult education in Europe by comparing their professional experiences and national challenges
•Are familiar with the main challenges in European adult education sector and the role of European civil society
•Have gained a basic understanding of regional differences in the definition and traditions of adult education in Europe
•Are able to identify major EU policy frameworks in the field of adult education
•Are familiar with the main methods that can be used for advocacy
•Have received practical advice for writing project applications on adult education.

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