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Integration through the joy of physical activity

Physical activity is one of the most important means of helping both immigrants and asylum seekers integrate into Finnish society. Physical activity increases solidarity, dissolves prejudice and helps groups learn an active lifestyle together.
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Sabrina Somersaari


Picture: Riikka Roitto

A programme based on multidisciplinary cooperation has been developed in Helsinki to promote integration. Based on a multidisciplinary approach, one of the projects initiated with the funding from Ministry of Education and Culture is called LET’S MOVE. The project offers diverse forms of physical activity, info sessions about exercise, events and opportunities to learn about various sports.

Launched at the beginning of the year in Helsinki, the LET’S MOVE project aims to increase the involvement of asylum seekers and support the integration framework of immigrants by means of physical activity. The project organises one-off visits to immigrant exercise groups and events.

The LET’S MOVE project also introduces various exercise services and provides personal counselling for physical activity.

Janne Lardot is the Project Coordinator of LET’S MOVE. He became interested in the integration of immigrants when studying social policy. In his current work, he is able to combine his professional interests with another important interest: sports.

“The basic principle behind our project is to provide easily accessible services. We want to give our customers the spark to an active lifestyle,” says Lardot.

“Most of the activities in our sports calendar are free of charge, easy and simple forms of exercise. People can wear their everyday clothes and simply have a relaxed game of football, for example.”

Physical activity is something we all share

The LET’S MOVE project operates under the idea that physical activity can have a diverse role in both supporting the integration of immigrants and promoting social networks. Physical activity may also help people learn a new language.

“It is my opinion that physical activity is something we all share. Integration is often seen as a very mechanical progress. First do this, then do that. I feel that physical activity has the chance to break boundaries. You don’t need to know the language to kick a ball.”

“Our customers are asylum seekers. They may be quite worried about their relatives and their future. They are searching for their place in a new society. Physical activity lets them forget about their worries for a little while and offers social experiences and a fun pastime,” says Lardot.

In addition, habits learned on the sports field may be useful when interacting with others.

In physical activity, the rules are the same for everyone regardless of language or nationality, and native Finns have the chance to get to know immigrants through shared activities and hobbies.

Everyone has the right to exercise

According to Lardot, the LET’S MOVE project aims to see a person as more than the sum of his or her parts.

In other words, people do not survive on bread alone; we also need culture, opportunities for personal fulfilment and the feeling of being able to take part in the actions of our society. Physical activity is a simple building block in these actions.

Therefore, Lardot prefers to talk about activating people instead of exercise and sports.

“We don’t want to dictate the types of physical activity people need and how many hours a day they must dedicate to sports. In addition to providing opportunities to learn about sports and physical activity, we organise info sessions about exercise where we use examples to demonstrate what everyday exercise means. Instead of jogging for an hour, you can play outside with your child.”

“Some of our customers don’t believe that they have the right to be physically active. Migrant women in particular need to be encouraged to exercise as they may not have had such experiences in their country of origin. However, we organise swimming courses for women on Tuesdays and they have always been especially popular,” says Lardot.


Positive attitude towards physical activity

Baraa Al-Mashhadani, a physical education instructor for the LET’S MOVE project, has worked in a number of immigrant exercise groups for about two years. Al-Mashhadani also wants to remind people that everyone has the right to exercise and have a physically active life.

“The project, and physical activity in general, are a great help to many immigrants. They often arrive in Finland from poorer countries and areas with a great deal of unrest. Physical activity is a great way to take your mind off things, even if for a little while, and get to know new people.”

“People have a very positive attitude towards physical activity. Many sports have nearly the same rules around the world, even if cultural differences sometimes make training quite interesting. However, having at least some type of physical activity is always better than no activity at all,” says Al-Mashhadani.

The intention is not to keep the customers stuck in the activities of LET’S MOVE for years and years. Al-Mashhadani and Lardot feel that their main task is to spark an interest towards physical activity and provide advice for everyday activities, such as how to visit a public swimming pool and where to find good running paths.

“You need an open mind to play in a team or exercise with a group of people. An open mind is also something that reduces prejudice,” summarises Al-Mashhadani.

Text: Juha Wakonen

Pictures: Riikka Roitto

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Vie, 24/08/2018 - 21:26

Tämä oli ilo lukea. Ei tarvitse kurottaa isosti kohti isoja tavotteita, pienet luonolliet askeleet vievät kohti samaan päämäärään! Olen omassa koripalloseurassani katsonut ilolla, miten kotouttaminen saattaakin sujua niin hienosti, mutta ennen kaikkea tasa-arvoisesti ja luonnollisesti. Koskee sekä lapsia että aikuisia. Onnea hankkeellenne!
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