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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa


Lack of skills may be an obstacle to the green transition in working life

Linda Beate BERG

As a part of the Paris Agreement, Norway, together with the European Union, has committed to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 55 per cent compared to 1990. On behalf of the Skills Needs Committee, researchers from NIFU and Sintef Digital have made a review of what research says about which skills needs working life will have as a result of the green transition. The researchers have also carried out a document analysis and surveys.


These are some of the conclusions in the report:

Norwegian working life expects a great need for competence in ICT and electronics at all educational levels

In most occupations, there will be a need for increased competence in

  • circular economy (i.e. a "green" economy based on reuse)
  • digitization
  • sustainability (including understanding how a new climate policy will change the conditions for the company)


You can find the report (in Norwegian) here.

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