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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa

The new Erasmus+ register for support to Ukrainian refugees


Erasmus+ Register.



Dear EPALE members,

we have launched the new Erasmus+ register of education and training staff for support to Ukrainian refugees as part of its support to organisations providing education and training to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian aggression.

The register is designed specifically to help organisations running Erasmus+ mobility projects. Its goal is to help organisations that wish to use their project funds to organise mobility activities for education staff and experts that want to work with Ukrainian refugees.

► Find out more!

► Go to the Erasmus+ Register


A brand new EPALE Resource Kit is out!


Resource Kit on learning communities.



In 2022 EPALE is dedicating a thematic focus to learning communities. This Resource Kit is a first chance to assess what has been produced so far on this thematic focus, recommending some highlights that can guide you through the platform and inspire you in your work.

► Download the EPALE Resource Kit on learning communities!


Listen to this new EPALE podcast!


EPALE podcast on Pandemic and the higher education experience.



In this EPALE podcast, Heini Huhtinen of  Elm Magazine & The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation talks to higher education students about their learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. What has changed?

► Listen to the podcast