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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa


RURAL-IN-LIFE Project: the benefits of training professionals in rural areas on independent life for people with disabilities

The Town Councils and Associations in the rural areas of Bizkaia have started training for independent living and personal assistance.

Izaskun Jiménez

The Town Councils and Associations of the rural areas of Bizkaia have begun to train in independent living and personal assistance, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Project for training professionals “Rural Independent Life: from institutionalization to comprehensive support for people's independent living with disabilities in rural areas”, coordinated by COCEMFE Seville Spain and in which Fekoor, the Coordinating Federation of People with Physical and/or Organic Disabilities of Bizkaia, has participated since November 2021 together with Ozara (Slovenia), Istituto dei Sordi di Torino (Italy), Istanbul Gelisim University (Turkey), Equip (Denmark), Famma (Spain).

Between May and June 2024, the Project and the Training Platform have been presented to a total of 9 Commonwealths and 15 City Councils with less than 10,000 inhabitants.

The Lea-Artibai Commonwealth, the Lea Ibarra Commonwealth, the Busturialdea Social Services Commonwealth, the Mungialde Social Services Commonwealth, the Durangaldea Commonwealth, the Las Encartaciones Municipalities Commonwealth, the Arratia Municipalities Commonwealth, the Uribe Kosta Services Commonwealth, and the Txorierri Services, which encompass a total of 80 Town Councils, join the Town Councils of Bizkaia municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants such as Muskiz, Orozko, Fruiz, Gatika, Maruri-Jatabe, Mallabia, Ugao-Miraballes, Arrankudiaga, Arakaldo, Zeberio, Orduña, Abanto-Zierbena, Zierbena, Zaratamo and Ortuella.

This Professional Training Program, which aims to enable professionals in the social field to acquire the necessary skills to accompany people with disabilities in rural areas in their independent living projects, has been very well received by all City Councils and the Commonwealths.

Thus, in July, we have 20 professionals of different profiles carrying out the training in Bizkaia. We have achieved a total of 7 Associations and City Councils that have submitted their membership to the Virtual Community of Professionals for independent living in rural areas.

At Fekoor we will continue working to bring professionals in the social field in the rural areas of our Historical Territory closer to the Training Program that allows them to acquire the necessary skills to accompany people with disabilities in rural areas, so that they can lead their life projects independently, thus being an active part of society.

Rural In Life Erasmus plus project number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220- ADU-000033482

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