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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Interested in collaborating with others from across Europe but don’t have a specific idea yet?

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Find the latest information about how the EU promotes adult learning policy

Applied Filters

Northern Ireland
Intern Europe is a 16-year-old Belfast organisation working closely with European partners in delivering mobility projects in the framework of Erasmus Plus and Lifelong Learning Programmes. Over the last 16 years, thousands of participants from all over Europe were hosted and ...
Northern Ireland
Autism NI is Northern Ireland’s main Autism Charity, working to provide life changing services for the 30,000 people affected by Autism throughout Northern Ireland. Autism NI exists to support individuals with Autism and their families, and campaigns to raise awareness of Auti...
Northern Ireland
The acronym stands for: Cultivate Respect and Inclusion in Communities in Northern Ireland. We have initiated a closed Collaborative Space on the subject of Music and Cultural Awareness, and would welcome your 
Profile picture for user BrianP.
Brian Caul