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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Eshob is a private and non-profit foundation school. It was founded in 1985 by initiative of the Restaurant and Hotel Associations in Barcelona due to the need for qualified professionals in all areas of the hospitality sector, by introducing a new training system based on skills development and acquisition of habits, attitudes and values. It has become one of Spain’s most representative Culinary Arts, Restaurant Service, Sommelier, Restaurant Management and Hotel Management School. The aim of the School has been, since its beginning, the training of future hospitality and food and beverage service professionals, both in the field of theoretical knowledge such as in techniques, habits and attitudes. To accomplish these objectives, the school has a team of teachers and professionals with extensive experiences and facilities designed for the specific professional education. To answer to the need for a professionalized educational model in constant contact with the real world of the sector, the school has two restaurants (L’Escola and L’Ham) used by teachers and students as application areas opened to the public. These restaurants are a way to display our students’ knowledge and training at a highest level. ESHOB has been teaching and preparing high skilled professionals for over 30 years now, from which we can highlight recognized hotel managers and chefs like José Andrés, Sergi Arola or Carles Abellan among thousand others.

Since 2014 Eshob has started a special innovation program for teachers and students centred in e-learning and teaching innovation. They are increasing the awareness of teachers and students with the positive impact of digitalization in both education, but also in its application in the food service sector. As ESHOB trains every year more than 1500 students in its courses of culinary and pastry arts, restaurant and hotel service and management, cocktail and sommelier courses, wine business and marketing, it can generate a huge impact on the hospitality sector training the professionals of the future. Currently they are working to achieve these goals: 

  • Sharing knowledge and skills with other European realities and continue a process of internationalization. 

  • Getting more detailed and in-depth education to train future professionals able to adapt digitalization in their workplace. 

  • Provide the school with innovative digital and virtual tools to improve teaching and student engagement.

  • Improve the digital skills of teachers.

  • Encourage the use of digital tools among students and thus indirectly favor the digital transition in the hotels and restaurants that will hire them.

  • Involve stakeholders through the Hotel and Restaurant Barcelona Guilds to improve digitalization in food service sector. 

  • Increasing our capacity to operate at transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods. 

  • Apply new digital technologies among students and teachers through digital tools, online and offline training and other actions. 

  • Creating and distribute guidelines to improve e-learning in our school. 

As part of the educational project since 2016, ESHOB is also developing new pedagogical methodologies centred on the student and based in "learning by doing", using a creative and collaborative approach between educators and learners (based also on digital learning materials and tools). Among our educational goals there is also the implementation of new approaches to training, such as the development of learning based on games and experiences. These allow to increase the commitment of the students and stimulate their participation.

ESHOB is currently working on four European projects. One of them as leader and the other three as partner. The projects are focused on such essential topics as sustainability, accessibility, new technologies and the impact of food on climate change. That is why we are particularly interested in the most important issues of our current society and therefore we want to be part of the change to improve and promote new initiatives.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Research organisation or a think-tank
Media organisation specialised in adult education
EPALE National Support Service
Valid organisation

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