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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Discussion Details


Increasing Anxiety Awareness In Higher Education During (Post) Covid-19 Pandemic. Erasmus+ Project

Christiana KAROUSIOU
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Mental health and well-being of students in higher education is an increasing concern, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic which had a considerable impact on them. Anxiety and depression are the two most common reasons that students seek mental health services. However, professionals who interact with students the most, such as Higher Education institutions’ staff, are not trained to recognize or work with anxiety among students.

As HEIs have become a central point in providing students with safety and wellness, it is imperative that educators and administrators are equipped to help students process their anxiety and provide them with the necessary support.

AWARE is an Erasmus+ project with a duration of 2 years (2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000087038), aiming to increase anxiety/mental health awareness among Higher Education Institutions’ staff and students. The main objectives are:

  • Equip staff with the needed tools, resources and knowledge to recognize, manage, and support students with anxiety.
  • Develop and improve anxiety management skills among students, while expanding emotional competence and positive attitudes.
  • Accommodate the anxious students in HE Institutions by increasing knowledge and skills among the rest of their surroundings
To achieve this,  the consortium will:     
  • develop Good Practice Guidelines to identify and explore good practices of mental health/anxiety awareness in Higher Education institutions;    
  • develop an awareness raising handbook, including a guide on recognizing anxiety among students, and a guide on developing skills of managing anxiety;    
  • develop training (seminars at e-training platform) of relevant staff in order to improve their anxiety management skills and successfully transfer them to the students

For more info please the project's website:


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Viktoria Diedrich
Fri, 12/01/2023 - 15:12

Mental health is an important and very big topic. It's easy to forget who comes into contact with it and how much the COVID pandemic has also affected students. This is why the awareness training, especially for teaching staff and employees, is also important in higher education, but is unfortunately often forgotten. For this reason, I am looking forward to your results and will continue to follow your project.

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