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5 courses to master digital teaching methodologies at university!

Profile picture for user divina meigs.

The pressure of the Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up university practices and accelerated the digital transition. To maintain the benefits acquired and master mixed and hybrid modalities, it has become essential to adopt these innovative and flexible methodologies in higher education. 

To do this at your own pace, there is nothing like being accompanied by university professors who are sensitive to your questions and needs, on an accessible, user-friendly platform. This is the aim of the European Erasmus+ project ENID-Teach!

Available in 5 languages (English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish), the 5 NOOCs (or Nano MOOCs) of the project are free, in open access.

Registration is now open for all 5 online courses on the ECO Learning platform, following the links provided below. Courses open from May 15, 2024, to June 15 2024.

NOOC 1 - Connected and critical methodologies > registration 
NOOC 2 - Collaborative and research methodology > registration

NOOC 3 - Inverted methodologies > registration

NOOC 4 - Active and gamified learning > registration

NOOC 5 - Designing flexible learning and digital programs > registration

The 5 courses are complementary in their themes, and similar in their collaborative and connected methodologies. They last 25 hours in all, including 10 hours to familiarize yourself with the content, 10 hours to prepare your own projects, and 5 hours to communicate with other participants. Each course is worth 1 ECTS, following a short assessment. You can also become a member of the ENID-Teach network and join a European community of practice(To be noted: a next session is scheduled from 09/15/2024 to 10/15/2024).

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