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Introducing the Eco-Therapy Project - Ecotherapy for people with substance abuse disorders

Discover how the Eco-Therapy project is transforming the treatment of substance abuse disorders by harnessing the healing power of nature


We are delighted to announce the successful completion of our Eco-Therapy project, an initiative to introduce innovative ways of improving the treatment of substance misuse disorders through vocational education and training. 

Substance abuse is one of the biggest challenges that EU societies face. According to the WHO, per capita alcohol consumption in the EU is the highest in the world. 

Eco-Therapy is a two-year KA2 project funded by Erasmus+ (with project number 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000025287) that aims to improve the skills of professionals to better support people with addiction problems by introducing an innovative approach of ecotherapy - a nature-based approach that harnesses the healing power of the natural environment - in training institutions and therapy centres. Its benefits can have a tremendous impact on the rehabilitation process of people suffering from substance abuse disorders.

The Eco-Therapy project brought together five partners from across Europe to develop comprehensive training resources and tools for trainers and counsellors. The materials enable these professionals to integrate ecotherapy into their practice and offer clients a holistic approach to recovery. Through ecotherapy, individuals can reconnect with nature and themselves, promoting mental and emotional well-being.

Our achievements include:

  • Comprehensive guide: A detailed guide outlining the benefits, best practices and testimonials of ecotherapy.
  • Digital toolkit: A set of digital tools and resources to support trainers and counsellors in integrating ecotherapy into their practice.
  • MOOC: A specialised online training course that provides an opportunity for professionals to develop skills and knowledge in the field of ecotherapy.

All training resources can be accessed through the Eco-Therapy website and are available in English, German, Danish, Spanish, Greek, and Portuguese.






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Elsa Neophytou

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