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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa


Webinar - Inclusion of refugee and migrant women through recreational activities

Ana Anakijev
Vebinar najava .

On the occasion of the World Refugee Day 2024, Crisis Response and Policy Centre (CRPC) is inviting You to an OUT4IN Webinar - OUTdoor for INclusion: Improving resilience and integration for refugees and migrant women through outdoor experiences on June 26, 2024 from 11-12.30h CET.

This webinar presents a new Toolkit for professionals working in the areas of protection, inclusion, and integration of forcibly displaced persons, then education, including education of refugee and migrant women and outdoor education, seeking to enhance their skills in outdoor activities for refugee and migrant women and girls, but also to those interested in developing and managing educational and recreational programs for said population. The webinar also presents challenges of working with forcibly displaced women and girls, challenges of education in multicultural environment, then presents skills and cultural competences and benefits of outdoor activities from an educational point of view.  

The webinar will be conducted in English. Please send Your application details to until June 25 CoB and receive an email with Zoom link details. 

Out4In vebinar.
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