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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě


Commission publishes facts sheets from six cultural adult learning projects

Profile picture for user nhalacru.

As part of celebrating 2018 as the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the European Commission has published six fact sheets from successful cultural adult learning projects, funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

The six selected projects covered a wide range of countries from across Europe and involved a total of over 1000 participants, but they all had one thing in common – their aim was to preserve and promote national or regional heritage or raise awareness about local traditions from knitting to cuisine.

Access the fact sheets about the six adult learning projects

At the beginning of the year, the European Commission announced that 2018 will be celebrated as the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The aim was to celebrate Europe’s diverse cultural heritage and encourage people to discover and engage with it through a series of initiatives and events throughout Europe. EPALE also got involved by dedicating the whole month of January to art and cultural education for adults. This resulted in the community publishing a great selection of articles and opinion pieces on the topic.

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