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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě


The Whole Institution Approach in Adult Education

Profile picture for user Martina Bachmeier.
Martina Bachmeier
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

The Whole Institution Approach (WIA) aims to embed Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) holistically in educational institutions and places of learning. Under the guiding principle of "Live, what we teach", educational institutions should align themselves with sustainability criteria in as many areas as possible, such as the educational programme, management decisions, networking activities and transforming learning and work spaces.

The Project "International ESD Alliances" (contact: DVV International at Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband) invites all colleagues in the field of Adult Learning and Education to join us for an Online “Peer to Peer Learning” Session! Over the past three years the project has brought together Adult Education institutions and network organisations from different countries to experiment on how to implement a “Whole Institution Approach” to further embed Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in ALE institutions.

"Peer to Peer Learning" Session - Online Event

On 15th April 2024 from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm (CEST) we will host an interactive Peer to Peer Learning Online Event in order to:

• show you how a Whole Institution Approach can be done

• give you ideas on what kind of goals you can set for your own organisation

• celebrate the work of our partners and present their Good Practices

We will launch our Guidebook SustainabALE and show and inspire you, how to incorporate Education for Sustainable Development at your organisation.

Join us for an interactive online event! 

Registration is now open.

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Profile picture for user nboubati.
Community Hero (Gold Member).
St, 03/20/2024 - 15:57

... leider kann ich am 15. April nicht dabei sein, bin aber an den Ergebnissen interessiert und teile gerne die Veranstaltung!

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