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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě



Join us in breaking the silence surrounding endometriosis through art, advocacy, and community empowerment with the #ENDOs project

#ENDOs project: amalgamation of art, medicine and technologies

maud Gari
Community Hero (Gold Member).

#ENDOs project:  amalgamation of art, medicine, and technologies

Endometriosis, a chronic condition affecting approximately one in ten women, remains a silent epidemic in our society. Despite its prevalence and debilitating effects, it often takes an average of seven years to receive a diagnosis, leaving countless individuals suffering in silence. The impact of endometriosis extends far beyond physical discomfort; it disrupts daily lives, jeopardizes fertility, and perpetuates a cycle of misunderstanding and neglect in healthcare systems worldwide.

Historically, societal norms have dismissed menstrual pain as a normal part of womanhood, leading to a pervasive lack of empathy and awareness surrounding endometriosis. However, the voices of those affected cannot be silenced any longer. As Rachael Jablo, a patient-artist, eloquently states, "People need to be heard. Breaking this silence means breaking this cycle of recurring trauma for future generations."

Artistic performance at the exhibition’s opening “Breaking This Silence” - #ENDOs project.

Artistic performance at the exhibition’s opening “Breaking This Silence” - #ENDOs project

In response to this urgent need for advocacy and education, the #ENDOs Erasmus+ project emerges as a beacon of hope for individuals battling endometriosis across Europe. This innovative initiative seeks to empower patients and caregivers alike, bridging gaps in understanding and fostering a supportive community through the integration of art, culture, and narrative medicine.

At the heart of the #ENDOs project lies a commitment to amplifying the voices of "ENDOs" – individuals navigating the complexities of this chronic illness. Through a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses art exhibitions, narrative medicine workshops, and digital tools, the project endeavors to dismantle stereotypes, promote dialogue, and enhance medical literacy within the community. By harnessing the power of storytelling and creative expression, #ENDOs project aims to catalyze meaningful change in how endometriosis is perceived and managed.


Artiste Maëliss Le Bricon running workshop “Où atterir” (“Down to earth”) for #ENDOS project’s pa...

Artist Maëliss Le Bricon running workshop “Où atterir” (“Down to earth”) for #ENDOS project’s partners 

The recent "Breaking This Silence" exhibition held at the Bakery Art Gallery in Bordeaux served as a poignant testament to the project's mission. Featuring the works of talented artists: Corinne Szabo, Ema Eygreteau, Enora Keller, Hystera - dr Alicja Pawluczuk, Maëliss Le Bricon, Nathalie Man, Rachael Jablo and Nadia Russell Kissoon, and support from LE LABA project partner the exhibition offered a raw and intimate glimpse into the daily struggles of those living with endometriosis. Through paintings, sculptures, and personal narratives, visitors were invited to confront the physical and emotional realities of the condition, sparking crucial conversations and fostering empathy.


Artiste Enora Keller with her works at the exhibition’s opening “Breaking This Silence” - #ENDOs ...

Artist Enora Keller with her works at the exhibition’s opening “Breaking This Silence” - #ENDOs project

Moreover, the exhibition served as a catalyst for collaboration among the project's diverse partners, spanning sectors such as healthcare, education, and the arts. Stakeholders from France, Ireland, Italy, Sweden and Finland are united in their shared commitment to driving tangible improvements in endometriosis care and advocacy. Through dynamic workshops, performances, and interactive sessions, participants engaged in dialogue, shared experiences, and charted the course for future endeavors.

By elevating the voices of those often marginalized by their pain, we can pave the way for a more compassionate and inclusive approach to women's healthcare.

In the words of Nadia Russell Kissoon, the visionary behind the exhibition and a driving force behind the #ENDOs project, "We celebrate the voice of women, we listen to it, and we welcome it." 

#ENDOs #BreakingTheSilence #EndometriosisAwareness

Find below the resources of this article:

#ENDOs Erasmus+ project reference 2023-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000161941

Exhibition “Breaking This Silence” 

Exhibition “Breaking This Silence”  - press materials

Book “Où atterir” (FRA) 

 “Down to Earth” (ENG) 




Artists of Breaking This Silence : 

Corinne Szabo

Ema Eygreteau

Enora Keller 

Hystera - dr Alicja Pawluczuk

Maëliss Le Bricon Rivage | Où atterrirCollectif Rivagehttps://www.collectifrivage.comAudioblog - Où atterrir ? Une enquête citoyenne sur le respect de la personne chez celles et ceux qui ont de l'endométriose (

Nadia Russell Kissoon

Nathalie Man 

Rachael Jablo 



Photos taken during the exhibition’s opening at the Bakery Art Gallery on Jan 30, 2024, by Le Laba & l’Agence Créative  

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