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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě


The Linguistically Efficient Youth project of the Innovation Zone Foundation)

Agnieszka Mikołajewska

Knowledge and self-consciousness give self-confidence – the third edition of the Młodzi Sprawni Językowo Project ("The Linguistically Efficient Youth) of Fundacja Strefa Innowacji (the Innovation Zone Foundation)

The third edition of the non-profit online training project "Młodzi Sprawni Językowo" has finished. We once again invited people aged 14-45 living in towns with up to 30,000 inhabitants who want to improve their foreign language skills and strengthen their soft skills to participate in the project.

This time we expanded the range of languages on offer – the participants took part in English, German or Spanish language courses. The classes were held two times a week for 90 minutes per class. The participants were divided into groups depending on their knowledge of the chosen language. The objective of the course was to improve language skills in the A1– C2 classification.

During the classes, the participants used materials adjusted to the needs of visually impaired people.

An integral part of the project was a developmental workshop led by a coach - a specialist in personal development. The workshops addressed issues such as self-awareness, self-worth, and teamwork skills. The participants also learnt effective ways to deal with stress and time management, whose aim was to allow them to take on life and personal challenges more easily. The classes took place in small groups on the Zoom platform. Moreover, as part of the project, we conducted IT training and provided technical support during the courses. Participation in the project was a worthwhile investment in development and the future, as satisfied participants of previous editions confirmed. Participants' opinions of earlier editions can be found, among others, on our YouTube channel:

The PZU Foundation funded the project.

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Profile picture for user MonikaSm.
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