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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě

Event Details

14 Lis

Migration and integration as the focus of sustainable adult education

Profile picture for user Andreas Koreimann.
Andreas Koreimann

EPALE Austria and Erasmus+ Adult Education, as part of their "Thinking outside the box" ("DER BLICK ÜBER DEN TELLERRAND"), are organising a regional event to encourage sharing and learning among different parties involved in adult education.

Austria, like many other European countries, has received many refugees from various countries in the past few years. After their initial entry to the country and receiving certain assistance in the first few months, the refugees then have to get ready for integration into society to ensure that they have the chance to lead a structured life and be financially independent as soon as possible.

Adult Education is crucial when it comes to including and integrating people into society, because if tolerance is recognised as a democratic skill that can be learned or taught, it offers the chance to foster values of tolerance and solidarity in the host society. In the context of migration and integration, it aims to further the development of each individual. This is an approach that should be highlighted and then implemented by working together with the Verein Multikulturell (Austria) and Hakunila International Association (Finland), and initiators in both countries.


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Event Details
As planned
Typ události
Druh organizátora
Událost NSS
Organiser name
Erasmus+ EPALE Nationale Koordinierungsstelle Österreich Nationalagentur Erasmus+ Bildung
Kontaktní údaje
1010 Wien | Ebendorferstraße 7 | T +43 1 534 08-681 | F +43 1 534 08-999 | |
Cílová skupina
Sítě a organizace v oblasti učení v dospělosti
Projekty a partnerství
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Profile picture for user MonikaSm.
Monika Smekalová

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Profile picture for user MonikaSm.
Monika Smekalová

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