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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа

Organisation Details

Fundación Sorapán de Rieros | FSR


FSR is a private non-profit institution born in 2000, whose mission is to increase the quality of life of people with mental illness and at risk of exclusion​.

FSR´s main areas of intervention are mental health, employment and social inclusion for all age stages. Our vision is to lead a paradigm shift in care for our target groups, towards a new model of empowerment, focused on the individual as a principal driver to improve their own quality of life.

FSR works with people with mental illness, disabilities and at risk of social exclusion through two action lines: a labor one, where we work towards the socio-labor inclusion of our target groups; and a therapeutical one, where we develop preventive and interventional programs.

Socio-Labor Line:
FSR is Occupational Rehabilitation Center for people with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and develops two public programs: Program of Social and Community Inclusion for people with SMI and Program of Orientation and Labor Inclusion for people with SMI, all three initiatives are part of its collaboration with the Social-Health Care Network of Extremadura.
The foundation also holds activities for the labor inclusion of varied groups at risk of exclusion, that involves close collaboration with regional companies, due to its role as official collaborating entity of Extremadura Incorpora Program of Obra Social La Caixa.
The annual management of training courses with internships at companies that provide participants feasible possibilities for labor insertion, in its role as Incorpora Training Provider, and also the delivery of varied annual training, as well as informative and awareness campaings (in collaboration with other entities that work with people with disabilities) are also part of the foundation´s activities portfolio.

Therapeutical line:
FSR provides integral psychological and supporting care adapted to their target groups, among these services are psychomotricity care, psychopedagogy services, educational orientation to students with some learning difficulty, speech therapy services including prevention, diagnosis and treatment of communication, language, speech and voice disorders. Last but not least, FSR also delivers neuropsychology services directed to those with cognitive impairment, attention and / or concentration difficulties.

FSR is formed by a multidisciplinary team that counts on experts specialized on different fields, in charge of designing services & projects (from local scope to international) based on the needs of the people and territories. FSR´s team is formed by project specialists and managers, job counselors, trainers, social educators and teachers, psychologists, professionals on psychopedagogy and psychomotricity, occupational therapists and instructors for workshops and other activities.

FSR is located in Extremadura, a rural Spanish region characterized by a social context of high unemployment rates and the lowest average income in Spain. Extremadura is the only Spanish region categorized as less developed by the European Commission.

To fight against this discouraging environment, FSR works in network with a range of institutions that belong to mental health, employment, youth and social inclusion areas at regional, national and international level. This networking reinforces the cooperation and collaboration to develop joint activities in FSR´s areas of expertise and also establishes the best context for best practices exchange, continuous improvement and the execution of collaborative projects.

Детайли за организацията
Area of activities / interests
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Adult education provider
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